August ’24 – Rick’s Picks

Transient Events That Can Give Us a Good Enough Reason to Get Outside and Do a Little Observing All month: the planets continue their slow and hesitant return to the evening sky this month. As August opens, Mercury is a mag +0.9 waning crescent 9 arcseconds from tip...

April ’24 – Rick’s Picks

Transient Events That Can Give Us a Good Enough Reason to Get Outside and Do a Little Observing All month: planet-watchers won’t have much to do on April evenings this year, since Mercury will vacate the sunset sky before the end of April’s first week, heading for...

April ’24 – Rick’s Picks Special Addendum

The sky at totality: April 8, 2024 This is how the sky will look during totality from the NAA viewing site near McLeansboro IL.For locations farther east, move everything in the illustration slightly to the west; for more westerly locations, move everything a little...

May ’24 – Rick’s Picks

Transient Events That Can Give Us a Good Enough Reason to Get Outside and Do a Little Observing All month: planet watchers are in for a boring month, as their quarry largely disappear from both the morning and evening sky. The evening’s last holdouts, Jupiter and...

June ’24 Rick’s Picks

Transient Events That Can Give Us a Good Enough Reason to Get Outside and Do a Little Observing  All month: morning people continue their selfish monopolization of solar system observing this month, with Mercury (which will reach superior conjunction on June 14) being...

July ’24 – Rick’s Picks

Transient Events That Can Give Us a Good Enough Reason to Get Outside and Do a Little Observing All month: the morning people begin to release their hold on the planets, as Venus now joins Mercury as an evening star, beginning a sunset apparition that will extend into...