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shelf lettertitlesubtitleauthorfirst nametype#datepagesgsubject categoriessynopsis
SSOLAR INTERIOR AND ATMOSPHERECOX, LIVINGSTON & MATTHEWS, eds.BOOK57919911416 pgsSUN / OBSERVING – SOLAR SYSTEM / TEXTBOOKSDetailed college-level text on all facets of study of the Sun.
OON THE SHOULDERS OF GIANTSTHE GREAT WORKS OF PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMYHAWKINGSTEPHENBOOK53720021264 pgsCOSMOLOGY / PHYSICS / HISTORYSeminal works of Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton and Einstein, presented with commentary by Hawking. Classic reference.
MMATHEMATICAL THOUGHT FROM ANCIENT TO MODERN TIMESKLINEMORRISBOOK22919721238 pgsMATHEMATICS / HISTORYA fairly detailed look at the origins of many mathematical principles, concepts, and formulas. Also looks at the math of many cultures.
AASTEROIDSGEHRELS, et al.TOMBOOK11119791181 pgsASTEROIDS / PLANETARY GEOLOGY / SOLAR SYSTEM1st edition of a definitive book on subject. Includes articles on: exploration, interrelation, configuration, composition, and evolution.
PPLANETS, STARS AND NEBULAESTUDIED WITH PHOTOPOLARIMETRYGEHRELS, ed.T.BOOK27919741133 pgsPHOTOPOLARIMETRY / STELLAR EVOLUTION / SOLAR SYSTEMPapers, some quite technical, from 1972 colloquium. Covers techniques, equipment and results of study of polarized radiations from space.
STHE SUN IN TIMESONETT, GIAMPAPA & MATTHEWS, eds.BOOK5771991990 pgsSUN / STELLAR EVOLUTION / SOLAR SYSTEM / TEXTBOOKSPapers on the Sun’s nature, evolution, and Sun/Earth relationships.
WTHE WORLD TREASURY OF PHYSICS, ASTRONOMY AND MATHEMATICSFERRIS, ed.TIMOTHYBOOK4981991859 pgsGENERAL SCIENCE / PHYSICS / MATHEMATICS / COSMOLOGYLarge, fine collection of essays, covering the state of our knowledge on just about everything in the cosmos and how science looks at it.
GGALACTIC ASTRONOMYBINNEY & MERRIFIELDBOOK5191998796 pgsSTELLAR EVOLUTION / GALAXIESAdvanced college-level text. An overview of the study of galaxies.
BBURNHAM’S CELESTIAL HANDBOOK, VOL 3PAVO THROUGH VULPECULABURNHAM, JR.ROBERTBOOK1391978791 pgsDEEP-SKY GUIDES / OBSERVING – DEEP-SKY / ATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC / HISTORYVolume 3 of the original cyclopedia for observers of objects beyond the solar system. Star by star, object by object detailed info.
BURNHAM’S CELESTIAL HANDBOOK, VOL 3PAVO THROUGH VULPECULABURNHAM, JR.ROBERTREF6351978791 pgsDEEP-SKY GUIDES / OBSERVING – DEEP-SKY / ATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC / HISTORYVolume 3 of the original cyclopedia for observers of objects beyond the solar system. Star by star, object by object detailed info.
BURNHAM’S CELESTIAL HANDBOOK, VOL 3PAVO THROUGH VULPECULABURNHAM, JR.ROBERTREF6791978791 pgsDEEP-SKY GUIDES / OBSERVING – DEEP-SKY / ATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC / HISTORYVolume 3 of the original cyclopedia for observers of objects beyond the solar system. Star by star, object by object detailed info.
BBURNHAM’S CELESTIAL HANDBOOK, VOL 3PAVO THROUGH VULPECULABURNHAM, JR.ROBERTBOOK7821978791 pgsDEEP-SKY GUIDES / OBSERVING – DEEP-SKY / ATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC / HISTORYVolume 3 of the original cyclopedia for observers of objects beyond the solar system. Star by star, object by object detailed info. An excellent resource.
CCOMETSWILKENING, ed.LAURELBOOK1521982766 pgsCOMETS29 papers by researchers on cometary structure, origin & evolution, including data & description of analytical techniques.
CTHE COSMIC PERSPECTIVE5TH EDITION / INSTRUCTOR’S EDITIONBENNETT, DONAHUEJEFFERY, MEGANBOOK7502008761 pgsGENERAL ASTRONOMY / TEXTBOOKSThorough, college-level introductory astronomy textbook, with many introductions to basic science concepts and astronomical techniques.
MMYSTERIOUS UNIVERSE: A HANDBOOK OF ASTRONOMICAL ANOMALIESCORLISSWILLIAM R.BOOK8141979710 pgsHISTORY / SOLAR SYSTEM / GENERAL ASTRONOMYAn extensive compilation of observations and data that the author finds hard to explain using what was the generally accepted astronomical knowledge of 1979.
ATHE NORTON HISTORY OF ASTRONOMY AND COSMOLOGYNORTHJOHNBOOK7451995697 pgsHISTORYRecounts the development of celestial knowledge from prehistory to Stephen Hawking and the Hubble Space Telescope. Engaging.
BBURNHAM’S CELESTIAL HANDBOOK, VOL 2CHAMAELEON THROUGH ORIONBURNHAM, JR.ROBERTBOOK1381978695 pgsDEEP-SKY GUIDES / OBSERVING – DEEP-SKY / ATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC / HISTORYVolume 2 of the original cyclopedia for observers of objects beyond the solar system. Star by star, object by object detailed info.
BURNHAM’S CELESTIAL HANDBOOK, VOL 2CHAMAELEON THROUGH ORIONBURNHAM, JR.ROBERTREF6341978695 pgsDEEP-SKY GUIDES / OBSERVING – DEEP-SKY / ATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC / HISTORYVolume 2 of the original cyclopedia for observers of objects beyond the solar system. Star by star, object by object detailed info.
BURNHAM’S CELESTIAL HANDBOOK, VOL 2CHAMAELEON THROUGH ORIONBURNHAM, JR.ROBERTREF6781978695 pgsDEEP-SKY GUIDES / OBSERVING – DEEP-SKY / ATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC / HISTORYVolume 2 of the original cyclopedia for observers of objects beyond the solar system. Star by star, object by object detailed info.
BBURNHAM’S CELESTIAL HANDBOOK, VOL 2CHAMAELEON THROUGH ORIONBURNHAM, JR.ROBERTBOOK7811978695 pgsDEEP-SKY GUIDES / OBSERVING – DEEP-SKY / ATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC / HISTORYVolume 2 of the original cyclopedia for observers of objects beyond the solar system. Star by star, object by object detailed info. An excellent resource.
FFLAMMARION BOOK OF ASTRONOMYFLAMMARION, et al.BOOK7691964670 pgsHISTORY / GENERAL ASTRONOMYFlammarion’s classic 1880 Astronomie Populaire, translated into English and updated to reflect scientific understanding ca. 1960. Profusely illustrated.
OORIGIN OF THE SOLAR SYSTEMDERMOTT, ed.S.F.BOOK2631978668 pgsSOLAR SYSTEM / PLANETARY GEOLOGY / STELLAR EVOLUTION29 papers related to the title subject, including star formation, planet system formation, & formation of specific objects in the system.
SSOLAR SYSTEMSIXTH EDITIONSEEDSMICHAELBOOK7522008658 pgsSOLAR SYSTEM / TEXTBOOKSCollege-level introductory textbook on the nature and formation of our solar system, with many introductions to basic science concepts.
BBURNHAM’S CELESTIAL HANDBOOK, VOL 1ANDROMEDA THROUGH CETUSBURNHAM, JR.ROBERTBOOK1371978652 pgsDEEP-SKY GUIDES / OBSERVING – DEEP-SKY / ATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC / HISTORYVolume 1 of the original cyclopedia for observers of objects beyond the solar system. Star by star, object by object detailed info.
BURNHAM’S CELESTIAL HANDBOOK, VOL 1ANDROMEDA THROUGH CETUSBURNHAM, JR.ROBERTREF6331978652 pgsDEEP-SKY GUIDES / OBSERVING – DEEP-SKY / ATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC / HISTORYVolume 1 of the original cyclopedia for observers of objects beyond the solar system. Star by star, object by object detailed info.
BURNHAM’S CELESTIAL HANDBOOK, VOL 1ANDROMEDA THROUGH CETUSBURNHAM, JR.ROBERTREF6771978652 pgsDEEP-SKY GUIDES / OBSERVING – DEEP-SKY / ATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC / HISTORYVolume 1 of the original cyclopedia for observers of objects beyond the solar system. Star by star, object by object detailed info.
BBURNHAM’S CELESTIAL HANDBOOK, VOL 1ANDROMEDA THROUGH CETUSBURNHAM, JR.ROBERTBOOK7801978652 pgsDEEP-SKY GUIDES / OBSERVING – DEEP-SKY / ATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC / HISTORYVolume 1 of the original cyclopedia for observers of objects beyond the solar system. Star by star, object by object detailed info. An excellent resource.
AAMATEUR TELESCOPE MAKING, BOOK 2ADVANCEDINGALLS, ed.ALBERTBOOK4691949650 pgsTELESCOPE MAKING / TELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTVolume 2 of the series of 3 ATM books contains more on mirror and lens making, as well as mountings, drives, and other equipment.
BBLACK HOLES, WHITE DWARFS, AND NEUTRON STARSTHE PHYSICS OF COMPACT OBJECTSSHAPIRO & TEUKOLSKYBOOK1311983645 pgsCOSMOLOGY / STELLAR EVOLUTION / ASTROPHYSICSA thorough study of the titular objects; heavy on theory, but also containing much historical and observational data. Lots o’ math!
AAMATEUR TELESCOPE MAKING, BOOK 3INGALLS, ed.ALBERTBOOK4701953644 pgsTELESCOPE MAKING / TELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTMore equipment plans, observing considerations, and special projects, continued from Volumes I and II ot the ATM series.
HHANDBOOK OF ASTRONOMICAL IMAGE PROCESSINGBerry &BurnellRichard BOOK9062001624 PGSASTROPHOTOGRAPHYAn advanced book about imaging and manipulating images. Covers some maths of image manipulation and photometric analysis.
BBLACK HOLES AND TIME WARPSEINSTEINS OUTRAGEOUS LEGACYTHORNEKIPBOOK8571994619 pgsCOSMOLOGY / HISTORYCovering developments from Einstein to Hawking, Thorne takes his readers to the very edge of theoretical physics: straight through wormholes–and maybe back again–past hyperspace, “hairless” wormholes and quantum foam to the leading questions that drive quantum physics
AAMATEUR TELESCOPE MAKING, BOOK 3INGALLS, ed.ALBERTBOOK7321996618 pgsTELESCOPE MAKING / TELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTMore equipment plans, observing considerations, and special projects, continued from Volumes I and II ot the ATM series.
EEVOLUTION OF THE SOLAR SYSTEMALFVEN & ARRHENIUSBOOK1791976599 pgsSOLAR SYSTEM / PLANETARY GEOLOGYNASA’s sizable text on the origin and evolution of the solar system, with detailed articles on numerous specific topics within the subject.
HDEEP SKY HIDDEN TREASURESO’MEARASTEPHEN JAMESBOOK8352007584 pgsDEEP-SKY GUIDES / OBSERVING – DEEP-SKY / STAR CHARTS109 deep-sky objects and asterisms not on Messier or Caldwell lists; with extensive notes and charts.
AAMATEUR ASTRONOMER’S HANDBOOKSECOND EDITIONSIDGWICKJ.B.BOOK1011961580 pgsTELESCOPES & EQUIPMENT / OBSERVING – GENERAL / TELESCOPE MAKINGA classic, detailed guide to how telescopes work; also to visual & photographic observing.
AAMATEUR TELESCOPE MAKING, BOOK 2ADVANCEDINGALLS, ed.ALBERTBOOK7311996578 pgsTELESCOPE MAKING / TELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTVolume 2 of the series of 3 ATM books contains more on mirror and lens making, as well as mountings, drives, and other equipment.
FA FIELD GUIDE TO THE STARS AND PLANETS, 4TH EDITIONPASACHOFFJAYBOOK8052000578 pgsOBSERVING – CONSTELLATIONS / OBSERVING – GENERAL / OBSERVING – SOLAR SYSTEM / STAR CHARTSThorough observing guide, combining star charts with information on observing techniques & equipment, and on celestial objects. Small field-use format.
AAMATEUR TELESCOPE MAKING, BOOK 1INGALLS, ed.ALBERTBOOK7301996568 pgsTELESCOPE MAKING / TELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTThe original ‘bible’ of amateur telescope making, including articles on mountings and various auxiliary equipment. Essential reading on the subject.
AAMATEUR ASTRONOMER’S HANDBOOKFOURTH EDITIONSIDGWICKJ.B.BOOK7741979568 pgsTELESCOPES & EQUIPMENT / OBSERVING – GENERAL / TELESCOPE MAKINGA classic, detailed guide to how telescopes work, as well as to visual & photographic observing.
AASTRONOMY: A HANDBOOKROTH, et alBOOK4641975567 pgsAMATEUR ASTRONOMY / OBSERVING – GENERAL / OBSERVING – PROJECTS / TELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTA detailed guide, with information on just about every kind of amateur observing and the equipment used.
SSTAR NAMESTHEIR LORE AND MEANINGALLENRICHARD HINCKLEYBOOK3301899563 pgsSTAR NAMES / HISTORYA detailed and authoritative guide to the origins of star names: contemporary, obsolete, and from other cultures.
BTHE BEDFORD CATALOGUEFROM “A CYCLE OF CELESTIAL OBJECTS”SMYTHWILLIAM H.BOOK7951986560 pgsHISTORY / OBSERVING – GENERALReprint of Admiral W.H. Smyth’s 1844 telescopic observing guide, with descriptions of 850 deep sky objects as seen through amateur-size instruments.
CCOSMIC NOISEA HISTORY OF EARLY RADIO ASTRONOMYSULLIVAN IIIWOODRUFF T.BOOK7292009542 pgsRADIO ASTRONOMY / HISTORYRadio and radar astronomy from the discovery of cosmic noise up to 1953 describing the telescopes and the people who built and used them and the discoveries they made.
FFIELD BOOK OF THE SKIESOLCOTT & PUTNAMBOOK1861929534 pgsOBSERVING – GENERAL / OBSERVING – CONSTELLATIONS / OBSERVING WITH BINOCULARSClassic guide to the stars and constellations and visual astronomy. Maps all Northern constellations; naked eye, binocular & telescope objects.
WWIDE-FIELD ASTROPHOTOGRAPHYEXPOSING THE UNIVERSE, STARTING WITH A COMMON CAMERAREEVESROBERTBOOK7332000534 pgsASTROPHOTOGRAPHYWhile written for the era of film photography, many of the concepts discussed are applicable to DSLR (digital) work, too.
GGEAR CUTTING PRACTICECOLVIN & STANLEYBOOK1971950532 pgsTELESCOPE MAKINGMachinist’s handbook to the production of all types of gears. Tools, techniques, and tables all included.
GGENIUSTHE LIFE & SCIENCE OF RICHARD FEYNMANGLEICKJAMESBOOK5131992531 pgsPHYSICS / HISTORYInteresting biography of the distinguished, complex physicist.
WWATCHERS OF THE SKIESAN INFORMAL HISTORY OF ASTRONOMY FROM BABYLON TO THE SPACE AGELEYWILLYBOOK3711963529 pgsHISTORYA couple of thousand years of skywatching presented in an interesting and well researched form.
AAPPLIED OPTICS & OPTICAL DESIGN(FIRST PART)CONRADYA.E.BOOK4431957518 pgsTELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTDetailed text on optical theory, incl. aberrations, imaging, lens properties, ray tracing, more. Full of formulae & diagrams.
STHE SUN AS A STARJORDANSTUARTBOOK5711981518 pgsSUN / STELLAR EVOLUTION / ASTROPHYSICSNASA collection of monographs on professional observations and solar dynamics theory.
HHORIZONS13TH EDITION / INSTRUCTOR’S EDITIONSEEDS, BACKMANMICHAEL, DANABOOK7482014512 pgsGENERAL ASTRONOMY / TEXTBOOKSCollege-level introductory astronomy textbook, with many introductions to basic science concepts and “scientific thinking” exercises.
LLAROUSSE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ASTRONOMYRUDAUX & DE VAUCOULEURSBOOK4461959506 pgsGENERAL SCIENCEProfusely illustrated tour of the universe ca. 1959. Valuable for its excellent drawings of astronomical subjects.
THE NIGHT SKY OBSERVER’S GUIDE, VOLUME 2SPRING & SUMMERKEPPLE & SANNERREF7541998506 pgsDEEP-SKY GUIDES / OBSERVING – DEEP-SKY / ATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC2nd volume of a thorough listing of deep sky objects, by constellation. Many photos, sketches, and finder charts. Object-by-object descriptions.
STHE SOLAR CHROMOSPHERE AND CORONA: QUIET SUNATHAYR. GRANTBOOK5811976504 pgsSUN / TEXTBOOKSDetailed look at the study of the visible portions of the Sun.
AAMATEUR TELESCOPE MAKING, BOOK 1INGALLS, ed.ALBERTBOOK4681953497 pgsTELESCOPE MAKING / TELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTThe original ‘bible’ of amateur telescope making, including articles on mountings and various auxiliary equipment.
DDIALOGUE CONCERNING THE TWO CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMSPTOLEMAIC & COPERNICANGALILEIGALILEOBOOK8101967496 pgsHISTORY / SOLAR SYSTEMGalileo’s greatest contribution to the body of scientific knowledge, translated by Stillman Drake, foreward by Albert Einstein.
CCOMING OF AGE IN THE MILKY WAYFERRISTIMOTHYBOOK5401988495 pgsHISTORY / COSMOLOGY / GENERAL SCIENCEFerris tells about the lives and works of many scientists who helped form our view of the Universe and our planet.
AASTRONOMYASTROPHYSICS AND STELLAR ASTRONOMYRUSSELL, DUGAN & STEWARTBOOK7441938488 pgsHISTORY / GENERAL ASTRONOMYSeminal view of the scientific understanding of stellar systems during the 1930s. Much of the basic analyitical math still applies today.
AASTRONOMYTHE SOLAR SYSTEMRUSSELL, DUGAN & STEWARTBOOK7721926488 pgsHISTORY / GENERAL ASTRONOMY / SOLAR STSYEMSeminal view of the scientific understanding of our solar system during the 1920s, including basic astronomy and astronomical instruments.
CCOMETSA CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORYYEOMANSDONALD K.BOOK4921991485 pgsCOMETS / HISTORYDetailed and interesting history of the observation of comets, from early times on, including the development of our current knowledge.
BBASIC MECHANISMS OF SOLAR ACTIVITYBUMBA & KLECZEK, eds.BOOK5941976481 pgsSUNPapers from the 1975 IAU symposium on the title subject.
BBASIC OPTICS AND OPTICAL INSTRUMENTSBUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNELBOOK5661966480 pgsTELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTTheory of optics, workings of various instruments, and instrument use/maintenance/repair are all covered in clear form.
AASTROPHYSICAL TECHNIQUESSECOND EDITIONKITCHINC.BOOK6811991480 pgsASTROPHYSICSInstruments and techniques used in astronomy and astrophysics.
STHE SPACE TELESCOPEA STUDY OF NASA, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND POLITICSSMITHROBERT W.BOOK7031989478 pgsNASA / HISTORYThe history of The Hubble Space Telescope in the context of post-World War II science, technology, and political theatres.
GGENERATION OF OPTICAL SURFACESKUMANIN, ed.K.J.BOOK6161962476 pgsTELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTDetailed look at the theory and practice of creating flat and curved surfaces, mainly on glass.
DDOBSONIAN TELESCOPEA PRACTICAL MANUAL FOR BUILDING LARGE APERTURE TELESCOPESKRIEGE & BERRYBOOK4871998475 pgsTELESCOPE MAKING / ATM / TELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTTHE guide to dobsonian making, large or small, profusely illustrated with real-world project examples.
SSOLAR ASTROPHYSICSFOUKALPETERBOOK6011990475 pgsSUN / ASTROPHYSICS / TEXTBOOKSCollege-level text on the workings of the Sun.
PPLANET SATURNA HISTORY OF OBSERVATION, THEORY AND DISCOVERYALEXANDERA.F.O’D.BOOK7661962474 pgsSATURN / HISTORY A detailed look at the history of Saturn observation and study. Interesting reading for the modern Saturn observer.
FFIELD GUIDE TO THE STARS AND PLANETS, 2ND EDITIONMENZEL & PASACHOFFBOOK8061983473 pgsOBSERVING – CONSTELLATIONS / OBSERVING – GENERAL / OBSERVING – SOLAR SYSTEM / STAR CHARTSThorough observing guide, combining star charts with information on observing techniques, and on celestial objects. Small field-use format.
AAMATEUR ASTRONOMER’S HANDBOOK, 3rd ed.A GUIDE TO EXPLORING THE HEAVENSMUIRDENJAMESBOOK5271983472 pgsOBSERVING – GENERAL / AMATEUR ASTRONOMY / TELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTWell-rounded guide. Includes info on telescopes and how to use them, and on the wide variety of observable objects.
SSKY IS FOR EVERYONEWOMEN ASTRONOMERS IN THEIR OWN WORDSTRIMBLE, WEINTRAUBBOOK8812022472 pgsBIOGRAPHY / HISTORYAn internationally diverse collection of autobiographical essays by women who broke down barriers and changed the face of astronomy, from 1960 to today.
FFORMATION OF STRUCTURE IN THE UNIVERSEDEKEL & OSTRIKERBOOK5171999470 pgsCOSMOLOGY / UNIVERSE, SCALE OF / GALAXIES / TEXTBOOKSAdvanced college textbook on the topography of the Universe and how it got that way.
SSTELLAR STRUCTURE AND EVOLUTIONKIPPENHAHN, WEIGERTRUDOLF, ALFREDBOOK7411990468 pgsSTELLAR EVOLUTION / TEXTBOOKSCollege-level text gives a complete and comprehensive treatment of the physics of the stellar interior.
MMISSIONBrownDavidBOOK9072021467 pgsSPACE EXPLORATIONWhen scientists discovered the first ocean beyond Earth, they had two big questions: “Is it habitable?” and “How do we get there?” To answer the first, they had to solve the second, and so began a vivacious team’s twenty-year odyssey to mount a mission to Europa, the ocean moon of Jupiter.
HHISTORY OF THE TELESCOPEKINGHENRY C.BOOK2061955456 pgsHISTORY / TELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTA definitive history of the development of the optical telescope; includes many excerpts from and references to first hand accounts.
FFUNDAMENTALS OF ASTRODYNAMICSBATE, MUELLER & WHITEBOOK1901971455 pgsASTRODYNAMICS / PHYSICSTextbook format introduction to the analysis of celestial mechanics and orbital mechanics. Math with good diagrams & explanations.
PPERFECT MACHINEBUILDING OF THE PALOMAR TELESCOPEFLORENCERONALDBOOK8291994451 pgsHISTORY / TELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTWonderfully researched and written telling of the operatic tale of the conception, design, and execution of the amazing observatory on Mount Palomar, with a great cast of characters.
AAPOLLO 15 PRELIMINARY SCIENCE REPORTNASABOOK1061972450 pgsNASA / APOLLO MISSIONS / MOONFairly detailed report of the scientific investigations undertaken on the Apollo 15 mission, with some analysis of data.
MMcGRAW-HILL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ASTRONOMYPARKER, ed.SYBIL P.BOOK2301982450 pgsGENERAL SCIENCEProfuse illustrations and short but detailed articles on astronomical bodies, concepts, equipment, etc. 230 different listings.
EELEGANT UNIVERSESUPERSTRINGS, HIDDEN DIMENSIONS, AND THE QUEST FOR THE ULTIMATE THEORYGREENEBRIANBOOK7861999448 pgsPHYSICS / RELATIVITYDetailed description of contemporary theories of string theory, spacetime, and the quest for a Theory of Everything.
SSTARS: THEIR BIRTH, LIFE, AND DEATHSHKLOVSKIIIOSIF S.BOOK3361978442 pgsSTELLAR EVOLUTIONA beginning college-level text on the title subject. Well written and illustrated.
AAPOLLO GUIDANCE COMPUTERARCHITECTURE AND OPERATIONO’BRIENFRANKBOOK8432010439 pgsSPACE EXPLORATIONTechnical guide to the computers built for NASA’s Apollo space program, including detailed discussion of the hardware and the programming.
HHISTORY OF ASTRONOMY FROM THALES TO KEPLER, 2ND EDITIONDREYER & STAHLBOOK7921953438 pgsHISTORYStandard work on the development of astronomy from ancient Egypt and Greece through Johannes Kepler.
FFROM VINLAND TO MARSA THOUSAND YEARS OF EXPLORATIONLEWISRICHARD S.BOOK5241976436 pgsHISTORY / SPACE EXPLORATIONHuman exploration from the Viking Norsemen to the Viking Mars probes, leaning a bit more heavily on the space age end of the time scale.
GGOD PARTICLEIF THE UNIVERSE IS THE ANSWER, WHAT IS THE QUESTION?LEDERMANLEONBOOK4851993434 pgsCOSMOLOGY / PHYSICSWonderful history of the development of cosmology and its present state (+ a little future). Full of lively anecdotes and humor.
SSPHERICAL ASTRONOMYSIXTH EDITIONSMARTW.M.BOOK3491977431 pgsMATHEMATICS / OBSERVING – GENERALSpherical astronomy? Geometry on the celestial sphere, including coordinates, planetary motions, parallax, precession, proper motion.
CCOSMOLOGYTHE SCIENCE OF THE UNIVERSEHARRISONEDWARD R.BOOK1601981430 pgsCOSMOLOGY / HISTORYAn introduction to past and present cosmological theory in a clear and readable form. Pick a theory & find it explained.
NIGHT SKY OBSERVER’S GUIDE, VOLUME 1AUTUMN & WINTERKEPPLE & SANNERREF7531998430 pgsDEEP-SKY GUIDES / OBSERVING – DEEP-SKY / ATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC1st volume of a thorough listing of deep sky objects, by constellation. Many photos, sketches, and finder charts. Object-by-object descriptions.
WWAVELENGTH TABLESOF MORE THAN 100,000 SPECTRUM LINESHARRISONGEORGE R.BOOK5581969429 pgsPHYSICSTables to identify atomic emission lines by wavelength; a bit dry reading in places.
HHOW TO MAKE A TELESCOPESECOND EDITIONTEXEREAUJEANBOOK8281984429 pgsTELESCOPE MAKINGConsidered by many to be the best guide to making a Newtonian telescope, including both fabricating the primary mirror and components of the optical assembly and mount.
IIMMORTAL FIRE WITHINSHEEHANWILLIANMBOOK9001995429 pgsBIOGRAPHY / HISTORYThis first full-length biography of Edward Emerson Barnard tells the remarkable tale of endurance and achievement of one of the leading astronomers of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century.
MMOONS AND PLANETSFOURTH EDITIONHARTMANNWILLIAM K.BOOK7101999428 pgsBEGINNER’S GUIDES / TEXTBOOKS / SOLAR SYSTEMThorough discussion of solar system topics that would be of interest to the beginning or intermediate amateurs.
IINSIDE PIXINSIGHTKELLERWARRENBOOK9042018427 PGSASTROPHOTOGRAPHYPixInsight has taken the astro-imaging world by storm. As the first comprehensive postprocessing platform to be created by astro-imagers for astro-imagers, it has for many replaced other generic graphics editors as the software of choice.
OOPTICAL ABERRATION COEFFICIENTSBUCHDAHLH.A.BOOK2621968424 pgsTELESCOPES & EQUIPMENT / TELESCOPE MAKING / ATMConcepts, tables, and formulae for determining various types of aberration for various optical systems. Not for the math shy!
SSOURCE BOOK IN ASTRONOMY1900 – 1950SHAPLEY, ed.HARLOWBOOK3191960423 pgsHISTORY / GENERAL SCIENCEA collection of shorter articles on the discoveries of the first half of the 20th century, most written by the discoverers themselves.
MMEASURE OF ALL THINGSTHE SEVEN YEAR ODYSSEY AND HIDDEN ERROR THAT TRANSFORMED THE WORLDADLERKENBOOK5432002422 pgsHISTORY / GENERAL SCIENCEThe story of two French astronomers who set out at the end of the 18th century to measure the size of our planet.
AASTRONOMY AND SPACE, VOL 2MOORE, et al.PATRICKBOOK1161973419 pgsSPACE EXPLORATION / OBSERVING – PROJECTS / HISTORY / GENERAL SCIENCEVol. 2 of above: subjects incl. Mars, the Moon, stars, constellations, history, the solar system.
IIMAGE PROCESSING TECHNIQUES IN ASTRONOMYCONFERENCE PROCEEDINGSDE JAGER & NIEUWENHUIJZEN, ed.BOOK5521975418 pgsASTROPHOTOGRAPHY / SPECTROSCOPYImage processing of mainly photographic plates and early video and digital professional work.
SSOLAR SPECTRUMDE JAGERC.BOOK5821965417 pgsSUNPapers from a professional symposium on the title subject held in 1963.
SSTAR WARE, FOURTH EDITIONTHE AMATEUR ASTRONOMER’S GUIDE TO CHOOSING, BUYING AND USING TELESCOPES AND ACCESSSORIESHARRINGTONPHILIP S.BOOK8312007417 pgsTELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTFourth edition of the definitive guide to choosing and purchasing a telescope from the current market, with references to brands and models.
BBACKYARD ASTRONOMER’S GUIDEDICKENSON, DYERBOOK 8832021416 pgsOBSERVING – GENERAL / TELESCOPES & EQUIPMENT / ASTROPHOTOGRAPHYCompletely revised and recently updated and expanded, this very user-friendly guidebook is an invauable tool, and upcoming events and advances in telescopes and imaging.
BBACKYARD ASTRONOMER’S GUIDEDICKINSON AND DYERTERENCEBOOK8992021416 PGSGENERAL ASTRONOMY, TELESCOPE EQUIPMENT, OBSERVING GUIDEThis classic, groundbreaking guide has been the go-to field guide for both beginning and experienced amateur astronomers for nearly 30 years. The fourth edition brings Terence Dickinson and Alan Dyer’s invaluable manual completely up-to-date. Setting a new standard for astronomy guides, it will serve as the touchstone for the next generation of stargazers as well as longtime devotees.
SSOLAR MAGNETIC FIELDSSCHUSSLER & SCHMIDT, eds.BOOK5781994412 pgsSUNPapers from a professional international conference on the title subject held 1993.
MMINDING THE HEAVENSTHE STORY OF OUR DISCOVERY OF THE MILKY WAYBELKORALEILABOOK5322003406 pgsHISTORY / GALAXIESWonderful tale of 500 years of searching to discover the true nature of our galaxy.
AASTRONOMY AND SPACE, VOL 1MOORE, et al.PATRICKBOOK1151972403 pgsSPACE EXPLORATION / OBSERVING – PROJECTS / HISTORY / GENERAL SCIENCECompendium of articles from the journal ASTRONOMY & SPACE; diverse topics incl. history, solar system topics, observing projects, more.
VVISIONMARRDAVIDBOOK5511982397 pgsVISIONProcessing photos from image to perception are studied analytically in depth.
RRELATIVITY & GEOMETRYTORRETTIROBERTOBOOK2941983395 pgsRELATIVITY / MATHEMATICSThis text outlines the effects of Einstein’s relativity on the mathematics of geometry.
DDESIGN AND ENGINEERING OF CURIOSITYHOW THE MARS ROVER PERFORMS ITS JOBLAKDAWALLAEMILYBOOK8752018395 pgsPLANETARY GEOLOGY / MARSMission reference guide to Curiosity Rover, explaining the engineering behind every system, how it’s functioned and how scientists & engineers worked around problems remotey
BBIG BANGTHE CREATION AND EVOLUTION OF THE UNIVERSESILKJOSEPHBOOK1271980394 pgsCOSMOLOGY / STELLAR EVOLUTIONA fairly detailed but clearly stated guide to the theories of the formation of the universe and then galaxies, stars and planets.
WWHOLE SHEBANGA STATE-OF-THE-UNIVERSE(S) REPORTFERRISTIMOTHYBOOK6191997393 pgsCOSMOLOGYPopular-level look at the current understandings of the structure of the Universe, explaining some of the difficult theories.
MMAKING A REFRACTOR TELESCOPEREMERNORMANBOOK6592006391 pgsTELESCOPE MAKING / ATMHands-on book for the amateur who always thought making a refractor was too difficult to even consider.
GGLOBULAR CLUSTERSHANES & MADORE, et al.BOOK1981980390 pgsGLOBULAR CLUSTERS / GALAXIES / STELLAR EVOLUTIONPapers by researchers on globular cluster structure, dynamics, and evolution. Includes research data and references.
SSUNAN INTRODUCTIONSTIXMICHAELBOOK5851989390 pgsSUN / TEXTBOOKSCollege-level text on the title subject.
MMOONA COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF THE SURFACE OF THE MOON, CONTAINING THE 300-INCH WILKINS LUNAR MAPWILKINS & MOOREBOOK7701955388 pgsMOON, THE / ATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC / OBSERVING – SOLAR SYSTEMAtlas of the Moon featuring both drawings and photographs. Especially notable for the detailed, feature-by-feature descriptions (numbering in the hundreds).
EECHOES OF THE ANCIENT SKIESTHE ASTRONOMY OF LOST CIVILIZATIONSKRUPPE.C.BOOK1751983386 pgsARCHEOASTRONOMYThe author studies numerous archeological sites and folk customs from around the world to find signs of ancient man’s sky watching.
GGUIDE TO THE SUNPHILLIPSKENNETH J.H.BOOK6101992386 pgsSUN / HISTORY / OBSERVING – SOLAR SYSTEMPopular level but detailed look at the Sun. Historical observations; its structure & working;, observing methods.
lLESSONS FROM THE MASTERSCURRENT CONCEPTS IN ASTRONOMICAL IMAGE PROCESSINGMOOREPATRICKBOOK9052013385 PGSASTROPHOTOGRAPHYThere are currently thousands of amateur astronomers around the world engaged in astrophotography at a sophisticated level. Their ranks far outnumber professional astronomers doing the same and their contributions both technically and artistically are the dominant drivers of progress in the field today. This book is a unique collaboration of individuals world-renowned in their particular area and covers in detail each of the major sub-disciplines of astrophotography. This approach offers the reader the greatest opportunity to learn the most current information and the latest techniques directly from the foremost innovators in the field today.
SSOLAR CHROMOSPHEREBRAY & LOUGHHEADBOOK6071974384 pgsSUNDetailed text on the ‘discovery’ of the chromosphere and what was known about it ca. 1974.
DDEATH BY BLACK HOLEAND OTHER COSMIC QUANDRIESTYSONNEIL DeGRASSEBOOK8212007384 pgsCOSMOLOGY / BIOLOGY / SCIENCE AND THE PUBLICMore than forty collected essays by DeGrasse Tyson, covering a wide range of topics related to the cosmos.
YYERKES OBSERVATORY 1892-1950BIRTH, NEAR DEATH, AND RESURRECTION OF A SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTIONOSTERBROCKDONALDBOOK8801997384 pgsHISTORYDetails great historical importance to astrophysics and astronomy of Yerkes, 40-inch refractor and other telescopes, George Ellery Hale, the Greats who studied and worked there
BBINARY STARSA PICTORIAL ATLASTERRELL, et al.BOOK7561992383 pgsVARIABLE STARSGraphic plots visualize the actual alignments of binary star systems where the two stars are nearly in contact with each other—conditions we only know from eclipsing light curves.
VVARIABLE STARSPAYNE-GAPOSCHKIN & GAPOSCHKINBOOK3621938382 pgsVARIABLE STARSThe classic college-level text on variables, defining various types and speaking to the causes of variability.
TTHEORY OF STELLAR PULSATIONCOXJ.P.BOOK6751980380 pgsVARIABLE STARSTheory of stellar pulsation in variable stars.
SSEEING IN THE DARKHOW BACKYARD STARGAZERS ARE PROBING DEEP SPACE AND GUARDING EARTH FROM INTERPLANETARY PERILFERRISTIMOTHYBOOK5352002379 pgsAMATEUR ASTRONOMYFerris’s poetic ode to the experience of amateur astronomy, with stops along the way to visit amateurs currently doing cutting-edge work.
NNUCLEOSYNTHESIS AND CHEMICAL EVOLUTION OF GALAXIESPAGELBERNARD E. J.BOOK6951997378 pgsGALAXIES / COSMOLOGY / ASTROPHYSICS / TEXTBOOKSA lucid and wide-ranging introduction to the interdisciplinary subject of galactic chemical evolution.
MMICROCOMPUTER CONTROL OF TELESCOPESTRUEBLOOD & GENETBOOK2331985377 pgsCOMPUTERS & ASTRONOMY / TELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTDetailed papers on the theories, hardware, and software involved in computer telescope control. Much practical info from the field.
LLOWELL AND MARSHOYTWM. GRAVESBOOK2261976376 pgsHISTORY / MARSDetailed and well written biography of the astronomer who stimulated much of both planetary study and controversy. What about those canals?
SSTARS IN MYTH AND FACTSCOTTORAL E.BOOK7651942374 pgsHISTORY / OBSERVING – CONSTELLATIONSAlso touching on the Sun, Moon, and planets, the bulk of this book visits each of the constellations, telling the stories associated with them.
EEXPLORING THE SUNSOLAR SCIENCE SINCE GALILEOHUFBAUERKARLBOOK5951991370 pgsHISTORY / SUNWell written history of the scientific study of our star; well illustrated; good as an intro to the Sun, too.
HHIDDEN REALITYPARALLEL UNIVERSES AND THE DEEP LAWS OF THE COSMOSGREENEBRIANBOOK8422011370 pgsCOSMOLOGYGreene brings the popular-level audience a thorough look at the concepts surrounding the theory that our universe may be only one of many, and that there may be ties between them.
ATLAS OF THE HEAVENS-II CATALOGUE 1950.0BECVARANTONINREF6501964369 pgsDEEP-SKY GUIDESA catalog of every numbered star and deep sky object shown on the SKELNATE PLESO ATLAS OF THE HEAVENS.
ZZWICKYOUTCAST GENIUSJOHNSONJOHNBOOK8582019368 pgsBIOGRAPHYMan who made groundbreaking contriunutions to science, engineering; science popularizer, a pariah in the scientific community and combative with those who disagreed
CCOSMOSSAGANCARLBOOK1611980365 pgsHISTORY / GENERAL SCIENCESagan’s “personal adventure” through mankind’s search to understand the universe about them. Well illustrated; based on the TV series.
SSTAR TESTING ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPESA MANUAL FOR OPTICAL EVALUATION AND ADJUSTMENTSUITERHAROLD RICHARDBOOK7851994364 pgsTELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTTells any telescope owner how to use starlight both to adjust their telescope for maximum performance and also to judge its overall optical quality.
SSTAR TESTING ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPESA MANUAL FOR OPTICAL EVALUATION AND ADJUSTMENTSUITERH. R.BOOK4881994362 pgsTELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTTHE guide to testing and optimizing the optical performance of any design of telescope. Detailed, but well written for any level.
PPLANETARY GEOLOGYSHORTNICHOLAS M.BOOK2761975361 pgsPLANETARY GEOLOGY / MOON / SOLAR SYSTEMA fairly detailed but accessible study, focusing mainly on the results of lunar study & exploration.
IINFLATIONARY UNIVERSETHE QUEST FOR A NEW THEORY OF COSMIC ORIGINSGUTHALAN H.BOOK8301997358 pgsCOSMOLOGY / HISTORYA well-written guide to the Big Bang by the physicist who developed the idea of inflation — the solution to the perplexing questions about how the infant universe could have grown so rapidly.
GGALILEO: HERETICREDONDIPIETROBOOK1951987356 pgsHISTORYThe author’s theories concerning alternative reasons for Galileo’s persecution stirred much debate at this book’s publishing.
MMILKY WAYFIFTH EDITIONBOK & BOKBOOK2351981356 pgsGALAXIES / STELLAR EVOLUTIONThe classic overview of the study and make-up of our galaxy. Well written and very informative, accessible to the layman.
IINTERSTELLAR MIGRATION AND THE HUMAN EXPERIENCEFINNEY, JONES et al.BOOK3911985354 pgsSPACE EXPLORATION / SPECULATIONA collection of papers by writers from diverse fields looking at the possibilities of space colonization and extended migrations.
OBSERVING HANDBOOK AND CATALOG OF DEEP-SKY OBJECTSLUGINBUHL & SKIFFREF8491990352 pgsDEEP-SKY GUIDESDetailed, descriptive guide to hundrerds of deep-sky objects, organized by constellation.
REFOBSERVER’S HANDBOOK 2004JAMES EDGARJAMESREF8942024352 pgsOBSERVING/GENERAL REFERENCEPrepared yearly by the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
CCELESTIAL OBJECTS FOR COMMON TELESCOPESVOLUME 2WEBB & MAYALLBOOK7911962351 pgsOBSERVING – DEEP SKYClassic work detailing the visual appearance and historical observation of many stars and deep sky objects.
SSURELY YOU’RE JOKING, MR. FEYNMAN!ADVENTURES OF A CURIOUS CHARACTERFEYNMANRICHARD P.BOOK5651985350 pgsHISTORY / PHYSICS / HUMORFeynman’s no-holds-barred autobiographical look at the life of a physicist and man-of-the-world. A best-seller.
OOUR SUNMENZELDONALD H.BOOK5961959350 pgsSUN / HISTORYClassic textbook introduction to the study of our star.
OOBSERVATIONAL ASTRONOMY FOR AMATEURSFOURTH EDITIONSIDGWICKJ.B.BOOK7631982348 pgsOBSERVING – GENERAL / OBSERVING – SOLAR SYSTEM / OBSERVING – PROJECTSHandbook of observing techniques, both basic and advanced, for solar system objects and stars.
MMESSIER ASTROPHOTOGRAPHY REFERENCEHallALLEN BOOK9022013344 psgsASTROPHOTOGRAPHYThe Messier objects are some of the brightest and most well-defined objects in the night sky, and the place where most budding astronomers and astrophotographers get their first experience. Capturing images of these objects, while easier than most of the other night sky objects, can still present challenges to the person just starting out in astrophotography. Every object can be wildly different with differing exposures, different times of the year it is visible, and different sizes. Where do you start?
UUNIVERSEITS BEGINNING AND ENDMOTZLLOYDBOOK3601975343 pgsCOSMOLOGY / SPECULATION / PHYSICSThe author takes us from the Big Bang through the formation of the present-day universe, then speculates on possible “ends”.
AASTROPHYSICS ISTARSBOWERS & DEEMINGBOOK6901984343 pgsASTROPHYSICS / TEXTBOOKSText reflecting the advances in theoretical and observational astronomy of the sixties and seventies.
LLUNAR ATLASALTER, ed.DINSMOREBOOK6931964343 pgsATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC / MOON154 photographic plates with documented text was heralded as one of the bibliographical events of 1964.
LLUNAR ATLASALTERDINSMOREBOOK8181964343 pgsMOON, THE / ATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC / OBSERVING – SOLAR SYSTEMDinsmore’s oversized photographic atlas of lunar regions, under different phases of illumination.
SSTARGAZERTHE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE TELESCOPEWATSONFREDBOOK6882004342 pgsHISTORY / TELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTThe author lucidly and compellingly reveals the science and technology behind the telescope and its impact in unveiling the universe.
TTHROUGH THE TELESCOPEA GUIDE FOR THE AMATEUR ASTRONOMERPORCELLINOMICHAEL R.BOOK7041989342 pgsAMATEUR ASTRONOMY / BEGINNER’S GUIDES / OBSERVING – GENERALGuide with tips for beginner to intermediate astronomers in observational aspects of the hobby.
CCAMBRIDGE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF AMATEUR ASTRONOMYBAKICHMICHAEL E.BOOK7092003342 pgsBEGINNER’S GUIDES / AMATEUR ASTRONOMYTopics regarding astronomical observing that would be of interest to beginning or intermediate amateurs.
OONE TWO THREE… INFINITYFACTS AND SPECULATION OF SCIENCEGAMOWGEORGEBOOK2611961340 pgsMATHEMATICS / COSMOLOGY / RELATIVITYGamow’s classic look at life, the universe, and everything; written in his lucid style, full of intuitive analogies.
AALCHEMY OF THE HEAVENSSEARCHING FOR MEANING IN THE MILKY WAYCROSWELLKENBOOK6851995340 pgsCOSMOLOGYLong the object of human fascination, the author leads the reader through a detailed survey of current thinking on the Milky Way.
NNOTHINGNESSTHE SCIENCE OF EMPTY SPACEGENZHENNINGBOOK6861994340 pgsCOSMOLOGY / ASTROPHYSICSEmpty space is really not empty at all—it is an ocean seething with creation and destruction of sub-atomic particles.
HHISTORY OF ARABIC ASTRONOMYPLANETARY THEORIES DURING GOLDEN AGE OF ISLAMSALIBAGEORGEBOOK8621994340 pgsHISTORYCompiled from a series of articles, this scholarly but very layman-friendly work covers the non-Ptolemaic development of Arabic astronomy during the 11th-15th centuries, in regards to the planets and solar system in general
BBLIND WATCHERS OF THE SKIESKOLBROCKYBOOK4911996338 pgsHISTORY / COSMOLOGYWonderfully written narrative outlining mankind’s discovery of science and then the Universe.
PPLANETSPREISS, ed.BYRONBOOK5331985336 pgsSOLAR SYSTEM / PLANETARY GEOLOGY / SCIENCE FICTIONInteresting book combines the then-current state-of-the-art knowledge about each planet with a short Sci-Fi story set there.
DDEEP-SKY OBSERVING WITH SMALL TELESCOPESA GUIDE AND REFERENCEEICHERDAVID J.BOOK7591989336 pgsOBSERVING – DEEP SKYOrganized by object type (double & variable stars; open & globular clusters; planetary, bright & dark nebulae; galaxies) combines both tables of objects and discussion about their nature.
UUNIVERSEPREISS, ed.BYRONBOOK6961987335 pgsCOSMOLOGYThe world’s leading astronomers and sci-fi authors take you to the edge of the galaxy and beyond.
GGETTING STARTED LONG EXPOSURE ASTROPHOTOGRAPHYHALLALLEN BOOK9032013335 PGSASTROPHOTOGRAPHYThis astrophotography book is a primer and a fully-formed, practical guide for entering the world of long exposure astrophotography. Allan Hall’s Getting Started: Long Exposure astrophotography brings the rewarding pursuit of stellar imaging to your bedside table.
CCOSMIC DISCOVERYTHE SEARCH, SCOPE & HERITAGE OF ASTRONOMYHARWITMARTINBOOK1591981334 pgsHISTORY / GENERAL SCIENCEUsing actual discoveries as examples, Harwit demonstrates the methodology of astronomy and defines many of its current concepts.
RRARE EARTHWHY COMPLEX LIFE IS UNCOMMON IN THE UNIVERSEWARD & BROWNLEEBOOK5152000333 pgsEXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE / BIOLOGY / SETIPresents evidence to support the theory that while microbial life may be common in the universe, complex life forms may be very rare.
SSURVEY OF THE MOONMOOREPATRICKBOOK7751963333 pgsMOON, THE / OBSERVING, SOLAR SYSTEMDetailed discussions about lunar observing, and a set of 16 sectional drawings of the lunar surface, with features labeled and described.
AASTRONOMERSCOMPANION BOOK TO THE PBS SERIESGOLDSMITHDONALDBOOK4491991332 pgsGENERAL SCIENCE / HISTORY / BEGINNER’S GUIDESWell written overview of the “current state of astronomy” contains many interesting personal insights on astronomers past & present.
WWRINKLES IN TIMESMOOT & DAVIDSONBOOK5081993332 pgsCOSMOLOGYNobel Prize winner Smoot tells both the story of the adventures of his career and the scientific investigations along the way, leading to the discovery of fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background.
PPROJECTS AND DEMONSTRATIONS IN ASTRONOMYTATTERSFIELDD.BOOK6721979331 pgsASTROPHYSICS / RELATIVITY / COSMOLOGYA number of demonstrations illustrating principles found in astronomy.
AASTROPHOTOGRAPHY FOR THE AMATEURCOVINGTONMICHAELBOOK8731999331 pgsASTROPHOTOGRAPHYIncludes insructions on both digital and film astrophotography
QQUIET SUNGIBSONEDWARD G.BOOK5801973330 pgsSUN / TEXTBOOKSTextbook on the study of the Sun prepared in advance of the 1973 Skylab missions.
IINNOVATIONS IN ASTRONOMYJONESA.B.BOOK6741999328 pgsHISTORY / COSMOLOGY / ASTROPHYSICSReveals the many collaborations among individuals, groups, and countries that led to the most important advances in the field.
CCASE FOR MARSTHE PLAN TO SETTLE THE PLANET AND WHY WE MUSTZUBRIN & WAGNERROBERT, RICHARDBOOK7601996328 pgsSPACE EXPLORATIONThe author lays out why he thinks we need to go to Mars—or risk withering away as a civilization; and how we can (almost) accomplish Martian colonization with today’s technology.
GGALAXIES OF THE LOCAL GROUPVAN DAN BERGHSIDNEYBOOK7842000328 pgsGALAXIES Thorough overview of the galaxies of the Local Group and their evolution. Also addresses general galaxy formation as a part of cosmology.
GGENERAL AND PRACTICAL OPTICSLAURANCE & WOODBOOK4311932327 pgsTELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTGood, clear explanations of many optical terms and systems. Includes many diagrams and formulae.
SSTANDARD HANDBOOK FOR TELESCOPE MAKINGHOWARDN.E.BOOK4111959326 pgsTELESCOPE MAKING / ATM / TELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTWhile it predates Dobsonians, this book is still an invaluable guide to mirror grinding and amateur telescope making.
LLIGHT AT THE EDGE OF THE UNIVERSELEADING COSMOLOGISTS ON THE BRINK OF A SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTIONLEMONICKMICHAELBOOK7431993325 pgsCOSMOLOGYA view from the early 1990s of the luminary individuals from the fields of astronomy and cosmology, who over the preceeding two decades, had helped draw a new image of the Cosmos.
EEND OF NIGHTSEARCHING FOR NATURAL DARKNESS IN AN AGE OF ARTIFICIAL LIGHTBOGARDPAULBOOK8412013325 pgsLIGHT POLLUTION / ESSAYSWell written studies of our human relationships to darkness and the starry night sky, looking at how modern lighting practices are changing those ancient ties.
RREDSHIFT CONTROVERSYFIELD,ARP & BAHCALLBOOK2921973324 pgsCOSMOLOGY / UNIVERSE, SCALE OF / SPECULATIONAre redshifts accurate measures of cosmic distance? The subject is debated by yea and nay sayers, in both simple and technical language.
MMEGALITHS, MYTHS AND MENAN INTRODUCTION TO ASTRO-ARCHAEOLOGYBROWNPETER LANCASTERBOOK3941976324 pgsARCHEOASTRONOMY / HISTORYInformative look into the debate-filled field of archeoastronomy. Presents many sides to arguments; a must-read for this field.
PPLANETS & PERCEPTIONTELESCOPIC VIEWS AND INTERPRETATIONS, 1609-1909SHEEHANWILLIAMBOOK7671988324 pgsOBSERVING – SOLAR SYSTEM / HISTORYFascinating study of visual telescopic observing of the planets from Galileo to the 20th century, delving into how the human visual system strongly affects what each observer sees.
EEINSTEIN THEORY OF RELATIVITYLIEBER & LIEBERLILLIAN R., HUGH G.BOOK7711936324 pgsRELATIVITYClassic, step-by-step guide to Relativity, written almost as poetry.
GGLASS UNIVERSEHOW THE LADIES OF THE HARVARD OBSERVATORY TOOK THE MEASURE OF THE STARSSOBELDAVABOOK8512016324 pgsHISTORY / STELLAR EVOLUTIONA charming, well-researched history of the “unsung heros” of the Harvard Observatory who paved the way for our modern understanding of the stars.
EEVOLUTION OF STARS AND GALAXIESBAADEWALTERBOOK1781963321 pgsSTELLAR EVOLUTION / GALAXIES / HISTORYThe author begins with a historical overview, incl. his own work on stellar populations, then defines the state of the science ca. ’63.
AASTRONOMYHOYLEFREDBOOK4451962320 pgsHISTORY / GENERAL SCIENCEWhile including a look at the science, this large volume is mainly a historical overview of astronomy. Very profusely illustrated.
CCAMBRIDGE GUIDE TO THE CONSTELLATIONSBAKICHMICHAELBOOK7351998320 pgsOBSERVING – GENERAL / CONSTELLATIONS / STAR CHARTSBesides a pair of pages on each constellation’s features, this guide also contains many tables of data on stars, constellations, objects, etc.
AADVANCED TELESCOPE MAKING TECHNIQUESVOLUME 1 – OPTICSMACHINTOSH, ed.ALLANBOOK7361986320 pgsTELESCOPE MAKINGNumerous articles, mainly drawn from the Maksutov Club Circulars of the 1950s thru the 1970s, dealing with the design and fabrication of all sorts of telescope optics.
AADVANCED TELESCOPE MAKING TECHNIQUESVOLUME 2 – MECHANICALMACHINTOSH, ed.ALLANBOOK7371986320 pgsTELESCOPE MAKINGNumerous articles, mainly drawn from the Maksutov Club Circulars of the 1950s thru the 1970s, dealing primarily in mechanical devices for grinding and testing telescope optics.
CCOMPLETE MANUAL OF AMATEUR ASTRONOMYTOOLS AND TECHNIQUES FOR ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONSSHERRODP. CLAYBOOK6981981319 pgsAMATEUR ASTRONOMY / BEGINNER’S GUIDES / OBSERVING – GENERALIllustrated guide provides everything amateurs need to put real scientific meaning into observations of celestial objects.
AAMATEUR ASTRONOMYMOOREPATRICKBOOK1021957318 pgsAMATEUR ASTRONOMY / OBSERVING – GENERAL / BEGINNER’S GUIDESBasic guide to observing, detailing solar-system observing and deep-sky. Fairly comprehensive. Includes many historical details.
SSTELLAR CHROMOSPHERESPROCEEDINGS, IAU COLLOQUIUM FEB. 1972JORDAN & AVRETT, ed.BOOK3381973318 pgsSTELLAR EVOLUTIONEight papers and discussion on the techniques of and results from studying the chromospheres of the sun and other stars.
AADVANCED AMATEUR ASTRONOMYNORTHGERALDBOOK4321991313 pgsTELESCOPES & EQUIPMENT / ASTROPHOTOGRAPHY / OBSERVING – SOLAR SYSTEM / OBSERVING – PROJECTSAlthough this book does discuss some advanced projects, in most areas it starts out with basic info for the beginning observer.
BBLACK HOLESLUMINETJEAN-PIERREBOOK6601992312 pgsASTROPHYSICSAnswers questions regarding myth, legends, and science of black holes.
OOBSERVATIONAL ASTRONOMYBIRNEY, GONZALEZ & OESPERBOOK8532006312 pgsGENERAL ASTRONOMY / TEXTBOOKS / TELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTThis textbook speaks to professional astronomy, rather than amateur, but it is a basic overview, and many of the principles apply to amataur observing, too.
AAPOLLO 14 PRELIMINARY SCIENCE REPORTNASABOOK1051971309 pgsNASA / APOLLO MISSIONS / MOONFairly detailed report of the scientific investigations undertaken on the Apollo 14 mission, with some analysis of data.
AAPPLIED OPTICS & OPTICAL DESIGNPART TWOCONRADYA.E.BOOK4441960309 pgsTELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTOptical theory and application continued from Vol. 1, including text & formulae on specific optical systems.
BBLACK HOLES, QUASARS, AND THE UNIVERSESHIPMANHARRY L.BOOK6871976309 pgsCOSMOLOGY / STELLAR EVOLUTIONA beginner’s guide to cosmology, circa 1976. Contains many pictures and diagrams to illustrate the concepts presented.
MMOON OBSERVER’S HANDBOOKPRICEFRED W.BOOK8131988309 pgsMOON, THE / OBSERVING, SOLAR SYSTEMDetailed guide to lunar observing equipment, techniques, and the features of the Moon.
DDISCOVERY OF OUR GALAXYWHITNEYCHARLES A.BOOK1701971308 pgsHISTORY / COSMOLOGY / GALAXIESThe history of the study of the Milky Way, from earliest records through the 1960’s. Profusely illustrated.
SSPACE TRAVEL: A HISTORYVON BRAUN, ORDWAY & DOOLINGBOOK3251985308 pgsSPACE EXPLORATION / HISTORYA detailed and profusely illustrated study of mankind’s yearning to reach out into the stars.
CCREATION OF MATTERTHE UNIVERSE FROM BEGINNING TO ENDFRITZSCHHARALDBOOK1621983307 pgsCOSMOLOGY / ASTROPHYSICSModern cosmology’s view of the universe, from quarks and quantum mechanics to big bang & black holes in clear, readable, intuitive form.
BBOOK NOBODY READCHASING THE REVOLUTIONS OF NICOLAUS COPERNICUSGINGERICHOWENBOOK6312004306 pgsHISTORYThe author’s odyssey to discover just how much influence Copernicus’ “De revolutionibus” had on other thinkers’ understanding of the universe.
MMESSIER OBJECTSO’MEARASTEPHEN JAMESBOOK7391998304 pgsOBSERVING – DEEP SKY / HISTORYOffers an in-depth look at each Messier object, most entries including photos and sketches, as well overviews on Messier and deep-sky observing techniques.
EENDLESS UNIVERSEBEYOND THE BIG BANGSTEINHART, TUROCBOOK8722007304 pgsCOSMOLOGYA new cosmology of infinte collisions between our universe and a parallel one
PHOTOGRAPHISCHER STERN-ATLAS(PHOTOGRAPHIC STAR ATLAS)VEHRENBERGHANSREF4521962303 pgsATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC / STAR CHARTSVehrenberg’s Star Atlas I; the first photographic atlas published for the amateur. 303 charts; northern sky down to -20deg.; stars to 12 mag.
SSUNSPOTSBRAY & LOUGHHEADBOOK6091964303 pgsSUN / OBSERVING – SOLAR SYSTEMDetailed overview of the title subject. Much of interest to the solar observer.
BBLACK HOLESTHE EDGE OF SPACE, THE END OF TIMESULLIVANWALTERBOOK6971979303 pgsCOSMOLOGY / ASTROPHYSICSAn exploration of the questions, theories, and science regarding mysterious black holes.
EEVOLUTION OF PHYSICSFROM EARLY CONCEPTS TO RELATIVITY AND QUANTAEINSTEIN & INFELDBOOK5631938302 pgsPHYSICS / HISTORY / RELATIVITYStill a fine overview of the history of the field. From the 20th-century’s greatest physicist.
JJOURNEY FROM THE CENTER OF THE SUNZIRKERJACK B.BOOK5672002302 pgsSUN / STELLAR EVOLUTIONWell written guide to our star; good for both observers and theorists.
SSUN, THE EARTH, AND NEAR-EARTH SPACEA GUIDE TO THE SUN-EARTH SYSTEMEDDYJOHN A.BOOK8332009301 pgsSUN, THE / EARTHWell-written guide to the space above our planet’s breathable atmosphere, and how the particles and energy from our Sun interact with it — as well as how those interactions affect life on Earth.
CCELESTIAL BASICASTRONOMY ON YOUR COMPUTERBURGESSERICBOOK1451982300 pgsCOMPUTERS & ASTRONOMY26 astronomical programs in Basic. While many are now available in commercial or shareware, the Basic programmer will find these fun.
PPIONEERING SPACELIVING ON THE NEXT FRONTIEROBERG & OBERGBOOK3961986298 pgsSPACE EXPLORATION / SPECULATIONA look at the technologies and ramifications of space travel and colonization, based more in science & history than many such books.
AALVAN CLARK & SONS – ARTISTS IN OPTICSWARNER & ARIAILBOOK5471995298 pgsHISTORY / TELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTExhaustive resource on these great telescope makers. Lists and stories of the instruments produced, the original customers, and the history of the firm.
QQUARKSTHE STUFF OF MATTERFRITZSCHHARALDBOOK2831983297 pgsPHYSICSThe modern view of the very small includes quarks. Here is an insider’s view of their discovery, nature, and impact on our view of nature.
SSTRUCTURE AND EVOLUTION OF THE STARSSCHWARZSCHILDMARTINBOOK3401958296 pgsSTELLAR EVOLUTION / ASTROPHYSICS / ASTRODYNAMICSA classic text on the subject by one of the pioneers in the field of stellar evolution.
WWHITE HOLESCOSMIC GUSHERS IN THE UNIVERSEGRIBBINJOHNBOOK3751977296 pgsCOSMOLOGY / SPECULATIONSpeculation about the opposites of black holes. Who thought of the term COSMIC GUSHERS?
PPHILOSOPHY OF SPACE & TIMEREICHENBACHHANSBOOK2671958295 pgsRELATIVITY / MATHEMATICSA college-level book, includes the foundations of geometry, the theory of time, and the theory and consequences of relativity.
SSKYA USER’S GUIDELEVYDAVID H.BOOK6261991295 pgsOBSERVING – GENERAL / AMATEUR ASTRONOMY / BEGINNER’S GUIDESA good overview of general stargazing, with techniques and some details on each type of celestial target.
C CHASING NEW HORIZONSINSIDE THE EPIC FIRST MISSION TO PLUTOSTERN, GRINSPOONBOOK8762018295 pgsSOLAR SYSTEM / PLUTOInside, up close telling of the New Horizons Mission to Pluto and its moon in 2015, including the personal accounts of mission leaders
TTOURING THE UNIVERSE THROUGH BINOCULARSHARRINGTONPHILIP S.BOOK4971990294 pgsOBSERVING WITH BINOCULARS / OBSERVING – DEEP-SKY / OBSERVING – GENERALGood guide to binocular astronomy; large section (by constellation) of objects to observe with binoculars (or a telescope!); good object info.
TTOURING THE UNIVERSE THROUGH BINOCULARSHARRINGTONPHILIP S.BOOK5231990294 pgsOBSERVING WITH BINOCULARS / OBSERVING – DEEP-SKY / OBSERVING – GENERALGood guide to binocular astronomy. Large section (by constellation) of objects to observe with binoculars (or a telescope!; good object info.
GGETTING THE MEASURE OF THE STARSCOOPER & WALKERBOOK5001989293 pgsOBSERVING – PROJECTS / STELLAR EVOLUTIONInteresting book connects the scientific study of stars to what we, as amateurs, can observe of them; includes projects for the amateur.
GGETTING THE MEASURE OF THE STARSCOOPER, WALKERBOOK8711989293 pgsVARIABLE STARS / OBSERVING – PROJECTSFirst explains stellar structure, evolution, esp. variables. Then, describes how to make variable star measurements, both visually and with photometers.
JJODRELL BANK TELESCOPESLOVELLBERNARDBOOK2191985292 pgsRADIO ASTRONOMY / HISTORYA look at the development of England’s famous center for radio astronomy by the man who was a driving force there for many years.
RROBOTIC OBSERVATORIESGENET & HAYESRUSSEL, DONALDBOOK6761989292 pgsTELESCOPE MAKINGBuilding remote controlled telescopes and automated observatories.
BBEFORE THE BEGINNINGOUR UNIVERSE AND OTHERSREESMARTINBOOK5341997291 pgsCOSMOLOGY / SPECULATIONWell-written guide to many of the ideas of modern cosmology, defining and analyzing various speculative theories along the way.
WWHAT IS THE WORLD MADE OF?ATOMS, LEPTONS, QUARKS, AND OTHER TANTALIZING PARTICLESFEINBERGGERALDBOOK3731977290 pgsPHYSICSThe world of the atomic and sub-atomic particles presented for the layman, but not oversimplified.
F50 MOST EXTREME PLACES IN OUR SOLAR SYSTEMBAKER & RATCLIFFBOOK7682010290 pgsSOLAR SYSTEMGraphics-filled, popular-level book that takes a look at some of the superlatives in our solar system — big, hot, cold, powerful, etc.
PPLANETARY ENCOUNTERSTHE FUTURE OF UNMANNED SPACEFLIGHTPOWERSROBERT M.BOOK2751978288 pgsSPACE EXPLORATION / HISTORY / SPECULATION / SOLAR SYSTEMThe history and potential of unmanned exploration of the solar system and perhaps beyond. Profusely illustrated.
SSTEPHEN HAWKING’S UNIVERSETHE COSMOS EXPLAINEDFILKINDAVIDBOOK7011997288 pgsCOSMOLOGY / ASTROPHYSICSThe companion to the popular PBS series is a voyage of discovery to the frontiers of scientific knowledge about everything around us.
AADVANCED SKYWATCHINGTHE BACKYARD ASTRONOMER’S GUIDE TO STARHOPPING AND EXPLORING THE UNIVERSEBURNHAM, et al.BOOK8121997288 pgsOBSERVING – GENERAL / BEGINNER’S GUIDESThorough guide for the observer, with information on observing equipment & techiques, and the many celestial targets.
PPORTABLE COSMOSREVEALING THE ANTIKYHERA MECHANISM, SCIENTIFICJONESALEXANDERBOOK8552017288 pgsHISTORY / TELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTIn 1901, sponge divers retrieved a lump of corroded bronze from a shipwreck at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea near the Greek island of Antikythera. Little did the divers know they had found the oldest known analog computer in the world, an astonishing device that once simulated the motions of the stars and planets as they were understood by ancient Greek astronomers.
AATLAS OF THE LUNAR TERMINATORJohn E WestfallJohnBOOK8922000288 pgsLUNAR/MOON/TERMINATORAtlas is based on high resolution CCD images of the terminator area of the Moon under 47 different illuminations. Each image is displayed across two or three pages, enabling readers to see features as small as 1-2 kilometers. For each illumination, accompanying text describes the major features shown in each view, along with larger-scale images of selected areas, indexed with their positions and dimensions. Two text chapters describe and illustrate the lunar observation techniques and the landform types. Observing data are presented through 2009. Experienced observers will find the Atlas an invaluable planning tool, while beginners will gain an understanding of lunar geography and geology. No other atlas shows the Moon under such a variety of observing conditions.
PPERFECT THEORYA CENTURY OF GENIUSES AND THE BATTLE OVER GENERAL RELATIVITYPEDRO G. FERREIRAPEDROBOOK8952014288 pgsHISTORY/RELATIVITYThe first complete biography of Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity, revealing the personal feuds and ideological battles, the decades of neglect, the resurgence, and now, the deep questioning of a theory that has given us black holes, dark energy, and modern cosmology.
RRED LIMITTHE SEARCH FOR THE EDGE OF THE UNIVERSEFERRISTIMOTHYBOOK2901977287 pgsCOSMOLOGY / UNIVERSE, SCALE OF / HISTORY / SPECULATIONFollows the scientists and their study of the nature, origin, and fate of our universe. Well written and absorbing tale.
BBOUND TO THE SUNTHE STORY OF PLANETS, MOONS. AND COMETSKIPPENHAHNRUDOLFBOOK6671990282 pgsHISTORY / ARCHEOASTRONOMYThe human quest to discover the world of planets, moons, and comets with early observations that led to strange beliefs and practices.
SKY ATLAS 2000.0 COMPANION, 2ND EDITIONSTRONG & SYNNOTTREF7892000281 pgsSTAR CHARTS / DEEP-SKY GUIDESDescriptions and data for all 2700 star clusters, nebulae, and galaxies shown in Sky Atlas 2000.0.
SSPACE ELEVATORA REVOLUTIONARY EARTH TO SPACE TRANSPORT SYSTEMBRADLEY C. EDWARDS & ERIC WESLINGBOOK8962003280 PGSSPACE EXPLORATIONThe Space Elevator is the definitive book on the the design and engineering of a viable space elevator. Based on the NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts study conducted by Bradley Edwards, Ph.D. this book details the basic concept, engineering of all subsystems and potential issues as well as how the space elevator may be utilized to benefit mankind. This is the first full effort to engineer a viable space elevator based on current technology.
DDEEP SKY IMAGING PRIMER ED2BRACKENCHARLES BOOK8982020280 PGSASTROPHOTOGRAPHYThousands of people learned astrophotography from the first two editions, now The Deep-sky Imaging Primer has been fully revised and expanded in this third edition. It has been updated to include the latest cameras, technology, and software. Everything you need to know about capturing and processing stunning images of deep-sky objects is covered.
RRESTLESS SUNWENTZELDONAT G.BOOK5881989279 pgsSUN / BEGINNER’S GUIDESGood popular-level look at the nature of the Sun. Delivers a lot of information clearly.
NNEW COSMOSANSWERING ASTRONOMY’S BIG QUESTIONSEICHERDAVID J.BOOK8522015279 pgsGENERAL ASTRONOMY / PLANETARY GEOLOGY / COSMOLOGYAn overview of various topics which astronomers have been adding knowledge to over the first years of the 21st Century.
UUNIVERSE DOWN TO EARTHTYSONNEIL DE GRASSEBOOK4741994277 pgsGENERAL SCIENCE / BEGINNER’S GUIDESCarl Sagan said: “A sprightly, easy-to-read introduction to some key ideas of physics and astronomy…”
TTOWARDS THE EDGE OF THE UNIVERSEA REVIEW OF MODERN COSMOLOGY, 2ND ED.CLARKSTEWARTBOOK5181999275 pgsCOSMOLOGY / TEXTBOOKSEntry level text on cosmology: reasonably deep, but with clear explanations & illustrations for the neophyte.
CCOSMIC CONNECTIONAN EXTRATERRESTRIAL PERSPECTIVESAGANCARLBOOK1581973274 pgsSPACE EXPLORATION / EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE / SETI / SPECULATIONCarl Sagan takes us out looking for extraterrestrial life, and back, looking for intelligent life on Earth.
RRUSSELL W. PORTERARCTIC EXPLORER, ARTIST, TELESCOPE MAKERWILLARDBERTON C.BOOK7731976274 pgsHISTORY / TELESCOPE MAKINGBiography of R.W. Porter, father of the Stellafane telescope making gathering, and contrubutor to the design of the Mount Palomar 200″ (5m) telescope.
NGC 2000.0SINNOTT, ed.ROGERREF7381988273 pgsOBSERVING – DEEP SKYComplete listing of 13,226 objects in the NGC-IC catalogs, by R.A., with coordinates and Dreyer-style brief descriptions.
BBOOK OF THE MOONHOCKEYTHOMAS A.BOOK7941986273 pgsMOON, THE / SPACE EXPLORATIONComprehensive guide to lunar astronomy, geology, and exploration.
RRED STAR IN ORBITOBERGJAMES E.BOOK2911981272 pgsSPACE EXPLORATION / HISTORYOberg’s fascinating story of the USSR space program, written before the fall of The Iron Curtain, is great detective work.
AASTRONOMY DATA BOOKROBINSON & MUIRDENBOOK5061979272 pgsAMATEUR ASTRONOMY / OBSERVING – GENERALEncyclopedic reference book, with info on the planets, stars, and other celestial objects, as well as telescopes & equipment.
DDEEP SKY: AN INTRODUCTIONHARRINGTONPHILIPBOOK8201997272 pgsOBSERVING – DEEP SKYConstellation-by-constellation guide to deep sky objects. Some charts, photos and sketches.
EEARLY MAN AND THE COSMOSHADINGHAMEVANBOOK1721984271 pgsARCHEOASTRONOMY / HISTORYHadingham, an archeologist and well respected writer, takes a clear and readable look at the astronomy of Old and New World sites.
SSYMBIOTIC UNIVERSELIFE AND MIND IN THE COSMOSGREENSTEINGEORGEBOOK5111988271 pgsCOSMOLOGY / BIOLOGYWhy is there life in the Universe? The author takes a look at the Anthropic Principle.
MMASTERS OF TIMECOSOMOLOGY AT THE END OF INNOCENCEBOSLOUGHJOHNBOOK6651992266 pgsCOSMOLOGYA tour of cosmology’s foundation, subsequent theoretical innovations, and beyond.
SSTRUCTURE OF THE UNIVERSENARLIKARJAYANTBOOK3411977264 pgsCOSMOLOGYNarlikar takes us on a tour of the “modern” universe, showing how astronomers investigate it & interpret what they see.
SSTARRY ROOMNAKED EYE ASTRONOMY IN THE INTIMATE UNIVERSESCHAAFFREDBOOK4501988264 pgsOBSERVING – GENERAL / AMATEUR ASTRONOMY / OBSERVING – SOLAR SYSTEM / METEORS & METEORITESA collection of essays on the delights of looking up at the sky with just our eyes and minds. Stirring and informative for any stargazer.
O100 BILLION SUNSTHE BIRTH, LIFE, AND DEATH OF THE STARSKIPPENHAHNRUDOLFBOOK6181983264 pgsSTELLAR EVOLUTIONPopular-level look at where stars come from, what they do, and where they end up.
SSUN, OUR STARNOYESROBERT W.BOOK5861982263 pgsSUNDetailed but popular-level book about the nature and study of our star.
AARE WE ALONE?THE POSSIBILITY OF EXTRATERRESTRIAL CIVILIZATIONSROOD & TREFILBOOK1081981262 pgsEXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE / SETI / SPACE EXPLORATION / SPECULATIONA fairly detailed look at the origins of life & possible life-bearing planets: including SETI, its implications, and space travel.
SSTARS AND CLUSTERSPAYNE-GAPOSCHKINCECILIABOOK3321979262 pgsSTELLAR EVOLUTION / GALAXIES / VARIABLE STARS / GLOBULAR CLUSTERSClearly, knowledgeably, and wittily written outline of the story of the stars — from formation to dissolution. Well illustrated.
DDISCOVERING THE SECRETS OF THE SUNKIPPENHAHNRUDOLFBOOK5891994262 pgsSUN / BEGINNER’S GUIDESAuthoritative: the author excels in explaining complex concepts using clear, entertaining methods.
URANOMETRIA 2000.0VOL. 1, THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERETIRION, RAPPAPORT & LOVIREF6381987260 pgsSTAR CHARTSComprehensive star atlas for the telescopic observer, with stars to mag. 9.5.
OOBSERVING VISUAL DOUBLE STARSCOUTEAUPAULBOOK6641981257 pgsAMATEUR ASTRONOMY / BEGINNER’S GUIDES / OBSERVING – DOUBLE STARSOpens the way for amateur astronomers who wish to make a direct and real contribution to science by observing double stars.
CCATALOGUE OF THE UNIVERSEMURDIN, ALLEN, & MALINBOOK1441979256 pgsATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC / GENERAL SCIENCEWell illustrated book contains descriptive listings of a few hundred (somewhat oddly chosen) objects, solar system to galaxies.
LLEFT HAND OF CREATIONTHE ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION OF THE EXPANDING UNIVERSEBARROW & SILKBOOK2231983256 pgsCOSMOLOGYModern cosmological theories presented in non-mathematical language for the general reader. Interesting reading or for reference.
MMOONMYTH, MAGIC AND FACTBRUETONDIANABOOK7001998256 pgsMOON / ATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC / PLANETARY GEOLOGYCombines spiritual and mythical speculation with scientific observation to form a complete study of our nearest heavenly body.
CCOMETS, METEORITES & MENBROWNPETER L.BOOK1541973255 pgsCOMETS / METEORS & METEORITES / HISTORYWell-written guide to the studies of meteorites and comets; includes much historical information about discoverers and research.
SSUPERFORCETHE SEARCH FOR A GRAND UNIFIED THEORY OF NATUREDAVIESPAULBOOK3431984255 pgsPHYSICS / COSMOLOGYDavies takes us on the search for the Grand Unified Theory, the “theory of everything” that physicists are still searching for.
TTELESCOPESKUIPER & MIDDLEHURST, ed.BOOK3471960255 pgsTELESCOPES & EQUIPMENT / HISTORY / RADIO ASTRONOMYPapers on engineering & design of telescopes & mounts, both theoretical and real professional instruments. Also site selection, seeing & more.
CCAMBRIDGE PHOTOGRAPHIC ATLAS OF THE PLANETSBRIGS & TAYLORBOOK4801982255 pgsPLANETARY GEOLOGY / SOLAR SYSTEM / ATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHICGood summary of the nature of the major bodies of the solar system, including many results from the space probes of the ’70s.
CCELESTIAL OBJECTS FOR COMMON TELESCOPESVOLUME 1WEBB & MAYALLBOOK7901962255 pgsOBSERVING – SOLAR SYSTEM / HISTORYClassic work detailing the visual appearance and historical observation of many solar system objects.
SSEARCH FOR LIFE ON MARSEVOLUTION OF AN IDEACOOPERHENRY S. F.BOOK4091976254 pgsEXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE / HISTORY / MARSA historical look at the search, and especially, the searchers. Includes a long biography of Carl Sagan.
MMATHEMATICAL ASTRONOMY WITH A POCKET CALCULATORJONESAUBREYBOOK5261978254 pgsMATHEMATICS / OBSERVING – PROJECTS / COMPUTERS & ASTRONOMYLots of different astronomical factors you can calculate, from fairly simple to really complex! An appendix tells how to make an inexpensive small telescope.
AASTRONOMY CAFÉODENWALDSTENBOOK7341998252 pgsGENERAL ASTRONOMY / BEGINNER’S GUIDESThe author answers 365 wide-ranging questions posted to his The “[Astronomy Café” website.
RRADIO ASTRONOMY FOR THE AMATEURHEISERMANDAVEBOOK5251975251 pgsRADIO ASTRONOMY / TELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTA practical look at amateur radio astronomy and the equipment involved.
VVENUSTHE GEOLOGICAL STORYCATTERMOLEPETERBOOK4771994250 pgsVENUS / PLANETARY GEOLOGY / SOLAR SYSTEM / SPACE EXPLORATIONWhat we have learned about our neighboring planet, from Earth-bound observation and space probes.
RREVEALING THE UNIVERSEPREDICTION AND PROOF IN ASTRONOMYCORNELL & LIGHTMAN, ed.BOOK2991982246 pgsGENERAL SCIENCE / HISTORY / COSMOLOGYAn excellent study of the science of astronomy, based on a series of case histories presented by masters in the field.
SSOLAR OBSERVATIONS: TECHNIQUES AND INTERPRETATIONSANCHEZ, COLLADOS & VAZQUEZ, eds.BOOK5921992246 pgsSUN / TELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTPapers from a 1989 conference on solar observing at professional observatories.
UUNIVERSE ON A T-SHIRTTHE QUEST FOR THE THEORY OF EVERYTHINGFALKDANBOOK6322002246 pgsPHYSICS / COSMOLOGY / HISTORYA look at the progress towards unification of the basic laws of nature.
OBSERVING THE CALDWELL OBJECTSRATLEDGEDAVIDREF7402000245 pgsOBSERVING – DEEP SKY / ATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHICA two-page spread on each of the 109 objects in Patrick Moore’s Caldwell catalog of deep-sky objects, with a photo, a finder chart, a description, and other details.
SSTARS AND PLANETSSIERRA CLUB GUIDE TO SKY WATCHING AND DIRECTION FINDINGKALSW.S.BOOK4961990244 pgsOBSERVING – CONSTELLATIONS / OBSERVING – GENERALGuide for the outdoors person—not only how to navigate by the day and night skies, but also other interesting things to look for up there.
OOBSERVING COMETS, ASTEROIDS, METEORS & THE ZODIACAL LIGHTEDBERG & LEVYBOOK4561994243 pgsOBSERVING – SOLAR SYSTEM / COMETS / ASTEROIDS / METEORS & METEORITESA fine guide to observing the minor bodies of the solar system, with both basics and advanced projects well described.
AASTROPHYSICS IIINTERSTELLAR MATTER AND GALAXIESBOWERS & DEEMINGBOOK6911984243 pgsASTROPHYSICS / TEXTBOOKSText reflecting the advances in theoretical and observational astronomy of the sixties and seventies.
WWORLDS IN THE SKYPLANETARY DISCOVERY FROM EARLEST TIMES THROUGH VOYAGER AND MAGELLANSHEEHANWILLIAMBOOK7581992243 pgsHISTORY / SOLAR SYSTEM / PLANETARY GEOLOGYDocuments the discovery of the nature of our solar system, focusing on the discoverers and the stories of their quests.
MMESSIER ALBUMMALLAS & KREIMERBOOK2321978242 pgsDEEP-SKY GUIDES / OBSERVING – DEEP-SKY / ATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHICAn observing guide to the Messier objects with finder charts, photos, and physical and visual descriptions for each object.
MESSIER ALBUMMALLAS & KREIMERREF6471978242 pgsDEEP-SKY GUIDES / OBSERVING – DEEP-SKY / ATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHICAn observing guide to the Messier objects with finder charts, photos, and physical and visual descriptions for each object.
SSATELLITES OF THE OUTER PLANETSWORLDS IN THEIR OWN RIGHTROTHERYDAVID A.BOOK7021999242 pgsSOLAR SYSTEM / PLANETARY GEOLOGYExplains the geological aspects of the satellites of the outer planets, particularly how they are shaped by tectonic/volcanic processes.
DDEEP-SKY OBSERVER’S HANDBOOKVOLUME 5: CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESJONES, ed. KENNETHBOOK1691982241 pgsDEEP-SKY GUIDES / OBSERVING – DEEP-SKY / GALAXIESA discussion of galaxies, clustering, and observing clusters, then a descriptive catalog with many drawings made with 5″-82″ telescopes.
MMESSAGES FROM THE STARSCOMMUNICATION AND CONTACT WITH EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFERIDPATHIANBOOK2311978241 pgsEXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE / UFOs / SPECULATIONA reasonably level-headed and scientific look at the possibilities of life elsewhere and methods for locating and communicating with it.
RRED GIANTS AND WHITE DWARFSMAN’S DESCENT FROM THE STARSJASTROWROBERTBOOK2891967241 pgsGENERAL SCIENCE / BEGINNER’S GUIDESJastrow’s classic study of man’s attempt to understand the universe, its origins, & his own origins. Insights into the world of scientists.
BBILLIONS AND BILLIONSTHOUGHTS ON LIFE AND DEATH AT THE BRINK OF THE MILLENIUMSAGANCARLBOOK5421997241 pgsESSAYS / SPECULATION / SCIENCESagan writes about life, science, humanity, and reason in this collection published the year of his death. Wonderful, eloquent, deeply personal.
IILLUSTRATED ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ASTRONOMY & SPACERIDPATHIANBOOK2081979240 pgsGENERAL SCIENCE / SPACE EXPLORATION / HISTORY / TELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTOver 1000 short entries on a wide range of subjects; people, places, things, theories. Many illustrations. For quick reference or fun browsing.
PPLANET JUPITERTHE OBSERVER’S HANDBOOKPEEKBERTRAND M.BOOK2731981240 pgsJUPITER / OBSERVING – SOLAR SYSTEMA full guide for Jupiter observers; history, visible features, observing, drawing and photographing methods are all covered.
UUNIVERSEDIXONDONBOOK3581981240 pgsATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC / GENERAL SCIENCE / SOLAR SYSTEMDixon takes us on a tour of our solar system using photos, diagrams, and his paintings, then continues the trip out into the universe beyond.
DDARK COSMOSIN SEARCH OF OUR UNIVERSE’S MISSING MASS AND ENERGYHOOPERDANBOOK8342006240 pgsCOSMOLOGYClear, easy-to-read explanation of the “discovery” of dark matter and dark energy, and theories to date.
PPATHWAYS TO THE UNIVERSEGRAHAM-SMITH & LOVELLBOOK4541988239 pgsGENERAL SCIENCE / SOLAR SYSTEM / STELLAR EVOLUTIONA fine general overview of the study of the solar system and the universe beyond. Well written and informative.
WWATCHERS OF THE STARSTHE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTIONMOOREPATRICKBOOK5541973239 pgsHISTORY / GENERAL SCIENCEMoore’s telling of the stories of great astronomers, including Copernicus, Tycho, Kepler, and Newton.
CCOLOURWHY THE WORLD ISN’T GREYROSSOTTIHAZELBOOK6141983239 pgsVISION / PHYSICSInteresting description of the various ways colors are formed and how humans perceive them.
AASIMOV ON ASTRONOMYASIMOVISAACBOOK1101979238 pgsHISTORY / GENERAL SCIENCEInteresting reading in Asimov’s style: much jumping from subject to subject, but full of facts & ideas. 17 assorted essays.
DDEEP-SKY OBSERVER’S HANDBOOKVOLUME 4: GALAXIESJONES, ed.KENNETHBOOK1681981238 pgsDEEP-SKY GUIDES / OBSERVING – DEEP-SKY / GALAXIESDescriptions of galaxy types, distribution, and observing techniques, and a catalog of galaxies with comments & drawings by amateurs.
SSTARLIGHT NIGHTSTHE ADVENTURES OF A STAR-GAZERPELTIERLESLIE C.BOOK3311965236 pgsAMATEUR ASTRONOMY / HISTORYThe classic recollections and reflections of an amateur astronomer.
CCOMET OF 44 B.C. AND CAESAR’S FUNERAL GAMESRAMSEY & LICHTBOOK4621997236 pgsHISTORY / ARCHEOASTRONOMYThe detective story of identifying this comet which appeared at the time of Julius Caesar’s death.
EEXTREME STARSAT THE EDGE OF CREATIONKALERJAMESBOOK7422001236 pgsSTELLAR EVOLUTIONDetailed look at stars and stellar evolution, written in a friendly, easy to understand manner (with very few mathematical formulae to absorb).
AASTROLOGY DISPROVEDJEROMELAWRENCE E.BOOK3831977233 pgsASTROLOGY / HISTORY / PSEUDO-SCIENCEReasonable overview of the history of astrology, then case-by-case attempt to show the fallacies involved in its various versions.
EEDGE OF TIMEHOOPERDANBOOK8772019233 pgsCOSMOLOGYFocuses on recent developments revealing knowledge about first seconds after Big Bang,seeking to lift the veil surrounding cosmic inflation, esp. with the Large Hadron Collider
SSPACE AND TIME IN THE MODERN UNIVERSEDAVIESP.C.W.BOOK3201977232 pgsRELATIVITY / COSMOLOGYAn overview of relativity and cosmology, starting with the basics clearly explained, then on to some math not included in other guides.
CCOSMIC DISCOVERIESTHE WONDERS OF ASTRONOMYLEVYDAVID H.BOOK6222001232 pgsHISTORYFriendly, sympathetic look at great figures from the history of astronomy and the discoveries they made.
JJOURNEY THROUGH TIMEEXPLORING THE UNIVERSE WITH THE HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPEBARBREE & CAIDINBOOK7081995232 pgsNASA / HISTORY / SOLAR SYSTEMHubble’s photographs take you on a journey from our solar system to distant galaxies, and to the edge of the beginning of time.
HHEAVENS PROCLAIMASTRONOMY AND THE VATICANGUY COSSOLMAGNOGUYBOOK8932009230 PGSHISTORY/PROPAGANDAprepared by the members of the vatican observatory on the occasion of the international year of astronomy
EEXPLORING THE MOONCHERRINGTONE.H.BOOK1841969229 pgsOBSERVING WITH BINOCULARS / MOON / ATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC / OBSERVING – SOLAR SYSTEMValuable guide for the lunar observer using any instrumen: profuse charts, day-by-day descriptions of visible features, geological info.
IINFRAREDTHE NEW ASTRONOMYALLENDAVID A.BOOK2101975228 pgsINFRARED ASTRONOMY / HISTORYClearly written look into the development, techniques, and uses of infrared astronomy and its unique view of the universe.
BBIG EARKRAUSJOHNBOOK5591976228 pgsRADIO ASTRONOMY / HISTORYA personal look at the creation of Ohio State’s pioneering radio telescope and its use to study the universe.
GGALAXIES AND QUASARSKAUFMANNWILLIAM JBOOK1941979226 pgsGALAXIES / QUASARS / COSMOLOGYLayman-oriented guide to the universe of galaxies; does not, however, stoop to inaccuracy from over-simplification. Well illustrated.
TTELESCOPE HANDBOOK AND STAR ATLASHOWARDNEALE E.BOOK3461967226 pgsTELESCOPES & EQUIPMENT / AMATEUR ASTRONOMY / OBSERVING – GENERAL / STAR CHARTS Still a fine guide to the beginning observer, with sections on equipment (1967) & optics, and then a general observing guide with built-in star charts.
SSTRANGE WORLD OF THE MOONAN INQUIRY INTO ITS PHYSICAL FEATURES AND THE POSSIBILITY OF LIFEFIRSOFFV.A.BOOK7641959226 pgsHISTORY / MOON, THEA decade before the first manned landing on the lunar surface, the author, an accomplished lunar observer, puzzles over confusing observational clues to lunar geology.
TTELESCOPE HANDBOOK AND STAR ATLASUPDATED EDITIONHOWARDNEALE E.BOOK8501975226 pgsTELESCOPES & EQUIPMENT / AMATEUR ASTRONOMY / OBSERVING – GENERAL / STAR CHARTSStill a fine guide to the beginning observer, with sections on equipment (ca 1970) & optics, and then a general observing guide with built-in star charts.
CCOSMIC CHASEHUTTONRICHARDBOOK3881981225 pgsHISTORY / SPACE EXPLORATION / NASA / SPECULATIONThe story of the U.S.-Soviet space race, including some of the politics that made it run; ending up with theories on what’s next.
T365 STARRY NIGHTSAN INTRODUCTION TO ASTRONOMY FOR EVERY NIGHT OF THE YEARRAYMOCHETBOOK6291982225 pgsOBSERVING – GENERAL / BEGINNER’S GUIDESNight-by-night tour of what’s up, visible both naked eye and with telescope or binoculars.
T365 STARRY NIGHTSAN INTRODUCTION TO ASTRONOMY FOR EVERY NIGHT OF THE YEARRAYMOCHETBOOK8401982225 pgsOBSERVING – GENERAL / BEGINNER’S GUIDESNight-by-night tour of what’s up, visible both naked eye and with telescope or binoculars.
CCOLLINS ATLAS OF THE NIGHT SKYDUNLOPSTORMBOOK7282005224 pgsSTAR CHARTS / MOON / OBSERVING – CONSTELLATIONSConstellation sky charts, with tables of deep-sky objects. Good lunar atlas.
UUNIVERSE AND HOW TO SEE ITA PRACTICAL TO VIEWING AND UNDERSTANDING THE NIGHT SKYSPARROWGILESBOOK8032001224 pgsOBSERVING – GENERAL / GENERAL ASTRONOMY / OBSERVING – SOLAR SYSTEM / BEGINNER’S GUIDESAn colorfully-illustrated introduction to what’s up in the heavens, and how to go about observing those things.
WWINDOW IN THE SKYASTRONOMY FROM BEYOND THE EARTH’S ATMOSPHERELAWTONA.T.BOOK3771979223 pgsTELESCOPES & EQUIPMENT / HISTORY / SPACE EXPLORATIONThis pre-HST book looks at the history of and future possibilities for off-Earth astronomy; also discoveries made and yet to be made.
GGUIDE TO THE STARSMOOREPATRICKBOOK2021960222 pgsGENERAL SCIENCE / HISTORY / STELLAR EVOLUTION / VARIABLE STARSMoore describes the form and function of the observable universe (ca. 1960), adding in some points of interest for the observer.
SSOFTWARE FOR PHOTOMETRIC ASTRONOMYGHEDINISILVANOBOOK3161982221 pgsPHOTOMETRY / COMPUTERS & ASTRONOMY / VARIABLE STARSBASIC programs for astronomy and especially for processing results from variable star observing.
QQUESTIONING THE MILLENNIUMA RATIONALIST’S GUIDEGOULDSTEVEN JAYBOOK5021997221 pgsSCIENCE & THE PUBLIC / HISTORYThe natural historian / essayist looks at the origins of our calendar and what constitutes a “millennium.”
CCOSMIC INQUIRERSMODERN TELESCOPES AND THEIR MAKERSTUCKER & TUCKERWALLACE, KARENBOOK6711986221 pgsHISTORYAn inside view of some of the people who pioneered modern astronomical observatories.
HHISTORY OF ASTRONOMY FROM HERSCHEL TO HERTZSPRUNGHERRMANN & KRISCIUNASBOOK2051984220 pgsHISTORYA detailed and scholarly look at the 150 years which saw the development of modern scientific astronomy.
MMANUAL OF SPECTROSCOPYCUTTINGTHEODORE A.BOOK5611949220 pgsSPECTROSCOPY / PHYSICSThe history and practice of studying substances by emission line spectra analysis.
BBIRTH AND DEATH OF THE SUNSTELLAR EVOLUTION AND SUBATOMIC ENERGYGAMOWGEORGEBOOK1281940219 pgsSUN / STELLAR EVOLUTION / ASTROPHYSICSThough some of the science is dated, this book is valuable for its historical references & Gamow’s intuitive explanations of theories.
PPLANETS AND MOONSKAUFMANNWILLIAM J.BOOK2781979219 pgsSOLAR SYSTEM / BEGINNER’S GUIDESWhile we have learned a lot about the outer planets since this book was written, its clear writing still serves as a good introduction.
VVIOLENT PHENOMENA IN THE UNIVERSENARLIKARJAYANT V.BOOK6621982218 pgsCOSMOLOGYExciting and controversial cosmological questions and the methods astronomers are using use to answer them.
SSUPERSTARSHOW STELLAR EXPLOSIONS SHAPE THE DESTINY OF OUR UNIVERSECLARKDAVID H.BOOK3451984216 pgsSTELLAR EVOLUTION / HISTORYA look at historical supernovae, the causes and properties of supernovae, and how they effect the space around them & the galaxy itself.
SSPACE, TIME AND GRAVITATIONAN OUTLINE OF THE GENERAL RELATIVITY THEORYEDDINGTONSIR ARTHURBOOK4411920216 pgsRELATIVITYA clear, low-math exposition of the general theory, followed by an historically interesting look at the universe by a great physicist.
PPRINCIPLE OF RELATIVITYA COLLECTION OF PAPERSEINSTEIN, et al.BOOK4421923216 pgsRELATIVITY / HISTORYA collection of fairly meaty and mathematical treatises, including translations of some of Einstein’s original papers. Essential texts.
PPICTORAL GUIDE TO THE MOON, 3RD REVISED EDITIONALTERDINSMOREBOOK8071973216 pgsMOON, THE / ATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC / OBSERVING – SOLAR SYSTEMThorough guide to observing the Moon, with much information on the lunar surface features.
AATLAS OF DEEP-SKY SPLENDORSVEHRENBERGHANSBOOK1211971215 pgsSTAR CHARTS / ATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC / DEEP-SKY GUIDES / OBSERVING – DEEP-SKYBeautiful B&W photographic atlas, with many photos scaled to approximate telescopic views; scientific & observational descriptions.
OINTRODUCTION TO OBSERVING AND PHOTOGRAPHING THE SOLAR SYSTEMDOBBINS, PARKER & CAPENBOOK2571988215 pgsOBSERVING – SOLAR SYSTEM / ASTROPHOTOGRAPHY / SOLAR SYSTEMA good guide to the field, as of 1988; also very useful for any astrophotographer. Much information, including interesting background.
EEVOLUTION OF RADIO ASTRONOMYHEYJ.S.BOOK1771973214 pgsRADIO ASTRONOMY / HISTORYThe history and accomplishments of radio astronomy, from its beginnings to 1970, with the stories of the people involved along the way.
URANOMETRIA 2000.0VOL. 2, THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERETIRION, RAPPAPORT & LOVIREF6391988214 pgsSTAR CHARTSThe southern hemisphere chart sets of Uranometria.
AALL THESE WORLDS ARE YOURSTHE SCIENTIFIC SEARCH FOR ALIEN LIFEWILLISJONBOOK8562016214 pgsCOSMOLOGY / BIOLOGY / SCIENCE AND THE PUBLICLong before space travel was possible, the idea of life beyond Earth transfixed humans. In this fascinating book, astronomer Jon Willis explores the science of astrobiology and the possibility of locating other life in our own galaxy
MMODERN COSMOLOGYSCIAMAD.W.BOOK2361972212 pgsCOSMOLOGYA look at 20th century cosmology based mainly upon the astronomical observations which led to and support our picture of the cosmos.
SSPACEWARPSGRIBBINJOHNBOOK3281983211 pgsRELATIVITY / COSMOLOGY / SPECULATIONIf you fall down a black hole, where do you go? Gribben tackles the intriguing possibilities of the modern cosmology.
MMAKING YOUR OWN TELESCOPETHOMPSONALLYN J.BOOK4651947211 pgsTELESCOPE MAKING / ATM / TELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTClassic guide to telescope making, with mirror grinding instructions which have helped many an ATM.
TTOTAL ECLIPSES OF THE SUNZIRKNERJ.B.BOOK3541984210 pgsSOLAR SYSTEM / ECLIPSES / OBSERVING – SOLAR SYSTEMTakes a detailed look at the causes and variations in solar eclipses and the wide range of experiments they make possible.
PPOETRY OF THE UNIVERSEA MATHEMATICAL EXPLORATION OF THE COSMOSOSSERMANROBERTBOOK6611995210 pgsCOSMOLOGYExplores, in an anecdotal fashion, the leaps of imagination and vision in mathematics that have pioneered our understanding of the world around us.
RRINGSDISCOVERIES FROM GALILEO TO VOYAGERELLIOT & KERRBOOK3001984209 pgsSOLAR SYSTEM / HISTORY / SPACE EXPLORATIONIntimate looks at the discoveries of rings around planets in our solar system, and the study of the formation and dynamics of the rings.
SSPACE TRAVELLER’S HANDBOOKFREEMANMICHAELBOOK4471979208 pgsSPACE EXPLORATIONA pictorial encyclopedia of the history, vehicles & equipment, techniques, and potential goals for and of space exploration.
GGRAND DESIGNHAWKINGSTEPHENBOOK8972012208 pgsCOSMOLOGYWhen and how did the universe begin? Why are we here? What is the nature of reality? Is the apparent “grand design” of our universe evidence of a benevolent creator who set things in motion—or does science offer another explanation? In The Grand Design, Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow present the most illuminating scientific thinking about these and other abiding mysteries of the universe, in nontechnical language marked by brilliance and simplicity.
RREALM OF THE NEBULAEHUBBLEEDWINBOOK5641936207 pgsGALAXIES / COSMOLOGY / HISTORYHubble’s classic look at the discovery of the true nature of galaxies and the expansion of the universe. Key historical work.
IIN THE LIGHT OF THE SUNFROM SUNSPOTS TO SOLAR ENERGYWASHBURNMARKBOOK5971981207 pgsSUNPopular level book on the nature of the Sun, Sun/Earth relations, and solar energy.
DWEBB SOCIETY DEEP-SKY OBSERVER’S HANDBOOKVOLUME 3: OPEN AND GLOBULAR CLUSTERSJONES, ed.KENNETHBOOK1671980206 pgsDEEP-SKY GUIDES / OBSERVING – DEEP-SKY / GLOBULAR CLUSTERSDescriptions of and observing techniques for clusters, and a catalog of clusters with drawings & comments by amateurs with 6″-10″ scopes.
SSEEING THE DEEP SKYTELESCOPIC ASTRONOMY BEYOND THE SOLAR SYSYTEMSCHAFFFREDBOOK4941992206 pgsOBSERVING – DEEP-SKY / OBSERVING – DOUBLE STARS / OBSERVING – PROJECTS / VARIABLE STARSA nice connection of explaining stellar evolution while looking at the universe observable with an amateur’s telescope. Learn about what you see!
QQUANTUM MECHANICS AND EXPERIENCEALBERTDAVID Z.BOOK6661992206 pgsPHYSICSIntroduction to the foundations of quantum mechanics and questions about sub-atomic particles and their effect on our lives.
TTHREE BIG BANGSCOMET CRASHES, EXPLODING STARS, AND THE CREATION OF THE UNIVERSEDAUBER & MULLERBOOK6731996206 pgsCOSMOLOGYExplores the connection between the catastrophic events that shaped life on Earth.
TTIMEWARPSGRIBBINJOHNBOOK3531979205 pgsSPECULATION / COSMOLOGY / RELATIVITYDoes the Theory of Relativity allow for the possibility of going back in time? Gribben also covers man’s historical interest in time.
IIMAGESA UNIFIED VIEW OF DIFFRACTION AND IMAGE FORMATIONTAYLORCHARLES A.BOOK5621978205 pgsPHYSICS / TELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTThe physics and applications of diffraction and image formation in all kinds of radiation.
PPRACTICAL ASTRONOMERRONINCOLIN A.BOOK6891981205 pgsGENERAL SCIENCE / HISTORY / ASTROPHYSICSExplore the skies through the eyes of the astronomers, and discover for yourself the secrets of the universe.
SSTARS AND NEBULASKAUFMANNWILLIAM J.BOOK3341978204 pgsSTELLAR EVOLUTION / BEGINNER’S GUIDESKaufmann applies his skill at clearly explaining scientific matters to laymen to the title subjects. Well written and illustrated.
SSTARS: THEIR STRUCTURE AND EVOLUTIONTAYLERR.J.BOOK3371972203 pgsSTELLAR EVOLUTIONA college-level text, complete with math.
WWHITE DWARFS – BLACK HOLESAN INTRODUCTION TO RELATIVISTIC ASTROPHYSICSSEXL & SEXLBOOK3741979203 pgsASTROPHYSICS / RELATIVITY / COSMOLOGYAn interesting book on the sub-titled subject; has both simple analogy to explain complex ideas and the mathematics to use the complex ideas.
FFIRST THREE MINUTESA MODERN VIEW OF THE ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSEWEINBERGSTEVENBOOK5091988203 pgsCOSMOLOGYWeinberg’s popular layman’s guide to theories about the first minutes of the Big Bang.
NNATURE OF MATTERMULVEY, ed.J.H.BOOK2401981202 pgsPHYSICS / COSMOLOGYSet of papers on the particles & forces that make up the universe. Includes some detailed theories, but is written as an introduction.
PPICTORAL GUIDE TO THE MOONALTERDINSMOREBOOK6201967199 pgsMOON / ATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC / PLANETARY GEOLOGYPhotographic atlas with extensive accompanying text about lunar features.
AAMAZING UNIVERSEFRIEDMANHERBERTBOOK8091975199 pgsHISTORYAn overview of the history of astronomical discovery. Well illustrated.
CCOLOURS OF THE STARSMALIN & MURDINBOOK1491984198 pgsATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC / STELLAR EVOLUTION / ASTROPHOTOGRAPHY / ASTROPHYSICSVery informative book on photography & astrophotography, colors, vision, and light — the very stuff of astronomy. Wonderful illustrations.
RRELATIVITY EXPLOSIONGARDNERMARTINBOOK2951962198 pgsRELATIVITYGardner takes us on a tour of the principles of relativity using easy to follow examples and illustrations.
OOBSERVING VARIABLE STARSA GUIDE FOR THE BEGINNERLEVYDAVID H.BOOK3951989198 pgsVARIABLE STARS / OBSERVING – PROJECTSExcellent guide to observing variable stars, written in a clear, fun and encouraging style. Includes recommended stars across the sky.
BBRIEF HISTORY OF TIMEFROM THE BIG BANG TO BLACK HOLESHAWKINGSTEPHENBOOK5051988198 pgsCOSMOLOGY / PHYSICSHawking’s popular layman’s guide to the Universe and the theories of modern cosmology. A classic text.
YYEAR-ROUND MESSIER MARATHON FIELD GUIDEPENNINGTONHARVARD C.BOOK8361997196 pgsDEEP-SKY GUIDES / OBSERVING – DEEP-SKY / STAR CHARTSA wonderful, thorough guide to finding and observing each of the Messier objects; usable both for a marathon or for viewing 1 object.
IINVISIBLE UNIVERSEPROBING THE FRONTIERS OF ASTROPHYSICSFIELD & CHAISSONBOOK2171985195 pgsGENERAL SCIENCE / INFRARED ASTRONOMY / RADIO ASTRONOMY / TELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTA look at the revolution that radio, infrared, x-ray and other non-visible observations have brought to many areas of astronomy.
DDEATH OF THE SUNGRIBBINJOHNBOOK6681980195 pgsSUNThe sun, as revealed by recent astrophysical evidence, is inconstant and subject to “flickers” that have profound implications for mankind.
EEDGE OF INFINITYDAVIESPAULBOOK1741981194 pgsCOSMOLOGY / SPECULATIONThe physicist-author explains the new cosmology to the common man — spacetime, the big bang, infinity, naked singularities and more.
GGALAXIESFERRISTIMOTHYBOOK1921982192 pgsGALAXIES / ATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC / DEEP-SKY GUIDESRenowned coffee-table book on galaxies and their components. Informative text accompanies the many spectacular photographs.
AALL ABOUT TELESCOPESBROWNSAMBOOK4671975192 pgsTELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTClassic guide to how telescopes work, filled with Brown’s wonderfully lucid drawings.
UUNIVERSE EXPLAINEDRONANCOLIN A.BOOK4781994192 pgsGENERAL SCIENCE / BEGINNER’S GUIDESProfusely illustrated introduction to astronomy, including “what’s out there” and some basic observing.
HHUBBLETHE MIRROR ON THE UNIVERSEKERROD & STOTTBOOK8022007192 pgsGENERAL ASTRONOMYPhoto-filled coverage of many of the accomplishments of the Hubble Space Telescope.
NNIGHTWATCHA PRACTICAL GUIDE TO VIEWING THE UNIVERSEDICKINSONTERENCEBOOK8382006192 pgsAMATEUR ASTRONOMY / BEGINNER’S GUIDES / TELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTA fine general introduction to amateur stargazing, with sections on what’s up in the sky, telescopes, and observing & astrophotography. Includes some basic star charts.
MMAN AND COSMOSNINE GUGGENHEIM LECTURES ON THE SOLAR SYSTEMCORNELL & HAYES, ed.BOOK2271975191 pgsSOLAR SYSTEM / PLANETARY GEOLOGYWhile some of the science is somewhat dated, the papers in this book present an informative and readable look at the our sun’s family.
DDAYTIME STARTHE STORY OF OUR SUNMITTONSIMONBOOK5871981191 pgsSUN / OBSERVING – SOLAR SYSTEMPopular-level, basic understanding of our star. A bit backwards when it comes to observing.
PPICTORAL HISTORY OF NASAYENNE, ed.BILLBOOK8151989191 pgsNASAProfusely illustrated, oversized book on NASA’s programs and accomplishments up to 1989.
NNEW CONCISE ATLAS OF THE UNIVERSEMOOREPATRICKBOOK2441978190 pgsATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC / MOON / SOLAR SYSTEM / GENERAL SCIENCECoffee-table book with large section on the solar system, also some “universe beyond,” history, and sets of star charts.
CCOMET KOHOUTEKGOODAVAGEJOSEPH F.BOOK1511973189 pgsCOMETS / HISTORY / PSEUDO-SCIENCE / HUMORRushed out when Kohoutek was expected (25x brighter than Halley’s!), this book has lots of wonderful hype and hokum about comets.
MMAKING BEAUTIFUL DEEP-SKY IMAGESASTROPHOTOGRAPHY WITH AFFORDA EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWAREPARKERGREGBOOK9012017189 PGSASTROPHOTOGRAPHYIn this updated version of his classic on deep-sky imaging, astrophotographer Greg Parker describes how the latest technology can help amateur astronomers process their own beautiful images. Whether you are taking your own images from a backyard system or processing data from space telescopes, this book shows you how to enhance the visuals in the “electronic darkroom” for maximum beauty and impact.
GGALAXIESSHAPLEYHARLOWBOOK1931967186 pgsGALAXIES / HISTORYA historical look at the study of galaxies by an astronomer who was deeply involved in that study. Profusely illustrated.
SSKYSHOOTINGPHOTOGRAPHY FOR AMATEURSMAYALL & MAYALLBOOK6631968186 pgsASTROPHOTOGRAPHYA beginner’s guide to all aspects of astrophotography.
OOUR EVOLVING UNIVERSELONGAIRMALCOM S.BOOK7061996185 pgsBEGINNER’S GUIDES / COSMOLOGYLucid, non-technical, and infectiously enthusiastic introduction to astronomy and cosmology.
OOBSERVING EARTH SATELLITESKING-HELEDESMONDBOOK2581983184 pgsOBSERVING – SATELLITES / OBSERVING – PROJECTSVery informative work on satellites and methods for locating, observing, identifying and recording them.
FFROM QUARK TO QUASARNOTES ON THE SCALE OF THE UNIVERSECADOGANPETERBOOK1871985183 pgsUNIVERSE, SCALE OF / ATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHICPictorial trip a la “Powers of Ten” from man-size up to universe-size and down to quark-size. Clear, informative text at each step.
PPRISM AND LENS MAKINGA TEXT BOOK FOR OPTICAL GLASSWORKERSTWYMANF.BOOK6281942178 pgsTELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTPractical techniques and theory from commercial production practices.
AAVSO VARIABLE STAR ATLASSCOVILCHARLES E.REF8191980178 chartsSTAR CHARTS / VARIABLE STARSBesides being an authoratative guide to variable stars, the charts also include many deep sky objects.
EEVOLUTION OF THE UNIVERSENOVIKOVIGOR D.BOOK1801979176 pgsCOSMOLOGY / RELATIVITYAn introductory look (with some math) at the universe as we see it, and then the prevailing (USSR, 1979) theories of how it got to be that way.
SSEARCH FOR EXTRATERRESTRIAL INTELLIGENCEMORRISON, BILLINGHAM, & WOLFE, ed.BOOK3071977176 pgsEXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE / SETIPapers and studies from NASA workshops on SETI, examining possible methods and approaches.
SSTRUCTURE AND EVOLUTION OF GALAXIESPROCEEDINGS 13th CONFERENCE ON PHYSICS, 1964BURBIDGE, HOYLE, OORT et al.BOOK3391965174 pgsGALAXIES / HISTORY10 papers & discussion on the title subject, presented by authors including Oort, Spitzer, Hoyle, Schmidt, & Burbidge.
UUNTIL THE SUN DIESJASTROWROBERTBOOK3611977174 pgsCOSMOLOGY / BIOLOGYJastrow takes us from the start of the universe through the formation of the Earth, the rise of life, and the evolution of man.
IINVISIBLE UNIVERSETHE STORY OF RADIO ASTRONOMYVERSCHUURGERRIT L.BOOK2181974173 pgsRADIO ASTRONOMY / ASTROPHYSICS / HISTORYInformative and fairly entertaining look at the history of radio astronomy & some of its discoveries, including some still unexplained.
GGOD AND THE ASTRONOMERSJASTROWROBERTBOOK3891978173 pgsHISTORY / COSMOLOGYThe author, renowned for presenting science to the layman, explains modern cosmology & its history, then relates it to theology.
DDOUBLE STARS FOR SMALL TELESCOPESMORE THAN 2100 STELLAR GEMS Sissy HaasSissyBOOK8912008173 pgsDOUBLE STARS/OBSERVING – DOUBLE STARSMore than 2,100 of the sky’s most alluring double and multiple stars are listed with coordinates, magnitudes, colors, and informative commentaries.
CCELESTIAL SAMPLER60 SMALL-SCOPE TOURS FOR STARLIT NIGHTSFRENCHSUEBOOK7622005169 pgsOBSERVING – DEEP SKY / STAR CHARTSFine set of tours of the best deep-sky objects for small telescopes in various constellations across the Northern Hemisphere sky, complete with finder charts.
AATMOSPHERE OF THE SUNDURRANTC.J.BOOK5831988168 pgsSUN / TEXTBOOKSAn overview of the workings of the Sun, at a level accessible to a student with a basic understanding of physics.
LLECTURE-TUTORIALS FOR INTRODUCTORY ASTRONOMYPRATHER, et al.BOOK7492013168 pgsTEACHER’S AIDExercises present astronomical facts, and then ask the student to answer extrapolations. Written for “Astronomy 101”, but would be accessible to the high school grade level.
PPICTORAL GUIDE TO THE STARSKINGHENRY C.BOOK2701967167 pgsSTELLAR EVOLUTION / VARIABLE STARS / GALAXIESA general guide to what and where stars are and how they work. Clearly written and well illustrated.
SSKYLABOUR FIRST SPACE STATIONBELEW, ed.LELANDBOOK3151977164 pgsSPACE EXPLORATION / NASAThe NASA coffee-table review of the Skylab missions, including many photos, with summaries of research conducted there.
RRELATIVITYTHE SPECIAL AND THE GENERAL THEORYEINSTEINALBERTBOOK4371952164 pgsRELATIVITYEinstein’s own “Popular Exposition” on his theories of relativity. A classic text, written for the student or layman as an introduction.
FFLIGHT TO MERCURYMURRAY, BURGESSBRUCE, ERICBOOK7551977162 pgsMERCURY / VENUS / ATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHICReport on the 1973-1975 Mariner 10 spacecraft mission to Venus and Mercury, including many photos.
CCOMET IS COMINGTHE FEVERISH LEGACY OF MR. HALLEYCALDERNIGELBOOK1501980160 pgsCOMETS / HISTORYEasily read overview of comets in history and the scientific study of comets. Covers much more than Halley’s. Well illustrated.
NNIGHTWATCHAN EQUINOX GUIDE TO VIEWING THE UNIVERSEDICKINSONTERENCEBOOK2521983160 pgsAMATEUR ASTRONOMY / OBSERVING – GENERAL / STAR CHARTS / BEGINNER’S GUIDESExcellent guide for the novice observer. Tells you what you need to know, and uses several kinds of charts to help you find your way around.
SSKY OBSERVER’S GUIDEA HANDBOOK FOR AMATEUR ASTRONOMERSMAYALL, MAYALL & WYCKOFFBOOK3141971160 pgsOBSERVING – GENERAL / BEGINNER’S GUIDESThe classic Golden Guide for the beginning observer; provides an introduction to many important concepts and techniques for observers.
TTELESCOPES FOR SKYGAZINGTHIRD EDITIONPAULHENRY E.BOOK3481966160 pgsTELESCOPES & EQUIPMENT / AMATEUR ASTRONOMYDated by its lack of some newer types of equipment, this guide is still quite valuable as a reference to telescope optics and use.
DDEEP SKY OBJECTSA PHOTOGRAPHIC GUIDE FOR THE AMATEURNEWTONJACKBOOK4661977160 pgsATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC / DEEP-SKY GUIDES / STAR CHARTS / OBSERVING – DEEP-SKYFinding guide for some of the finest deep sky objects, with amateur photographs that approximate what one can see thru an amateur telescope.
MMAKING & ENJOYING TELESCOPES6 COMPLETE PROJECTSMILLER & WILSONBOOK5141995160 pgsTELESCOPE MAKING / ATM / TELESCOPES & EQUIPMENT / OBSERVING – GENERALFull plans for five different homemade telescopes and a camera platform, plus a basic guide to observing.
DEEP SKY OBJECTSA PHOTOGRAPHIC GUIDE FOR THE AMATEURNEWTONJACKREF6461977160 pgsATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC / DEEP-SKY GUIDES / STAR CHARTS / OBSERVING – DEEP-SKYFinding guide for some of the finest deep sky objects, with amateur photographs that approximate what one can see thru an amateur telescope.
VVIOLENT UNIVERSEAN EYEWITNESS ACCOUNT OF THE NEW ASTRONOMYCALDERNIGELBOOK6831969160 pgsGENERAL SCIENCE / HISTORYCalder’s well written and popular book for the layman looks at what astronomers have done, how they do it, and the universe they have uncovered.
SSTARS AND ATOMSFROM THE BIG BANG TO THE SOLAR SYSTEMCLARKSTUARTBOOK7051995160 pgsBEGINNER’S GUIDES / COSMOLOGYDiscusses the discoveries that have lead to giant strides in our understanding of the universe, its origin, evolution, and eventual fate.
OOBSERVING THE SUNTAYLORPETER O.BOOK5911991159 pgsOBSERVING – SOLAR SYSTEM / SUNThe hows and whys of various types of amateur Sun observing, visual and electronic.
UUNIVERSESTRUVEOTTOBOOK8041962159 pgsSOLAR SYSTEM / STELLAR EVOLUTION / HISTORY / RADIO ASTRONOMYSeries of lectures by Struve, a key astronomer of the 20th century.
BBEGINNER’S OBSERVING GUIDEAN INTRODUCTION TO THE NIGHT SKY FOR THE NOVICE STARGAZERENRIGHTLEOBOOK7981999158 pgsBEGINNER’S GUIDES / OBSERVING – GENERALThis book is intended as a general guide to the night sky and the joys of observing, for those who have no previous background in astronomy.
GGRAVITYGAMOWGEORGEBOOK1991962157 pgsPHYSICS / ASTROPHYSICSGamow, famed for explaining scientific concepts using creative illustrations, explains the physics of gravity.
RRADIO ASTRONOMY AND HOW TO BUILD YOUR OWN TELESCOPEHEYWOODJOHNBOOK2851963157 pgsRADIO ASTRONOMY / OBSERVING – PROJECTS / TELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTWhile it is perhaps unlikely that you would use vacuum tube equipment, this book’s outlines of equipment & techniques still have value.
SSTARS AND PLANETSA COMPANION GUIDE FOR AMATEUR ASTRONOMERSEKRUTTJOACHIMBOOK4951992157 pgsOBSERVING – CONSTELLATIONS / STAR CHARTS / OBSERVING – GENERALSeasonal all-sky constellation charts for all parts of the world. Added info on the constellations and objects to see in them.
AACCIDENTAL UNIVERSETHE WORLD YOU THOUGHT YOU KNEWLIGHTMANALANBOOK8242013157 pgsCOSMOLOGY A philosophical discussion about the cosmos and humanity’s place in it.
SSOLAR PROMINENCESTANDBERG-HANSSENEINARBOOK6021974155 pgsSUN / TEXTBOOKSCollege-level text on the title subject.
EEINSTEIN’S UNIVERSECALDERNIGELBOOK5391979154 pgsRELATIVITY / HISTORYCalder explains the ideas of relativity for the layman, and includes much historical info on many scientific tests of the theory.
SMITHSONIAN ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY STAR ATLASOF REFERENCE STARS AND NONSTELLAR OBJECTSS.A.O.REF6531969152 pgsSTAR CHARTSAuthoritative 1950.0 epoch atlas with stars down to 9th magnitude and entire sky on 152 charts.
RRESTLESS EARTHA REPORT ON THE NEW GEOLOGYCALDERNIGELBOOK6991972152 pgsEARTH / PLANETARY GEOLOGYA rediscovery of Earth, and retelling of Earth’s entire history, through the theory of plate tectonics.
DDEAR GALILEOLETTERS FROM A CONTEMPORARY ASTRONOMER SWEITZERJAMESBOOK8782021152 pgsGENERAL ASTRONOMY / HISTORYIn the form of personal letters to GalileoGalilei, Adler Planetarium’s Jim Sweitzer presents an overview of understanding of the universe, plus the struggle to work through pandemic
OORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSEBARROWJOHN D.BOOK5101994150 pgsCOSMOLOGYWell-written layman’s guide to the Big Bang.
PPOWERS OF TENMORRISON, EAMES, et al.BOOK8011982150 pgsUNIVERSE, THE SCALE OFThe book that accompanied the classic “Powers of Ten” film on the scale of the universe.
CCOMETSAN ILLUSTRATED INTRODUCTIONMOOREPATRICKBOOK1531973149 pgsCOMETS / HISTORYWhile some of its science is not up to date, this book is still useful as it mainly concerns the history of cometary observation.
DWEBB SOCIETY DEEP-SKY OBSERVER’S HANDBOOKVOLUME 2: PLANETARY AND GASEOUS NEBULAEJONES, ed.KENNETHBOOK1661979149 pgsDEEP-SKY GUIDES / OBSERVING – DEEP-SKYDescriptions of nebula types and various observing techniques, and an extensive catalog of nebulae with amateur sketches and descriptions.
PPHOTO-GUIDE TO THE CONSTELLATIONSKITCHINCHRISBOOK7171997149 pgsOBSERVING – CONSTELLATIONSPhotos of each section of the sky from city, urban, and rural locations.
CCREATION OF THE UNIVERSEGAMOWGEORGEBOOK1631952146 pgsCOSMOLOGY / STELLAR EVOLUTIONEven though some of the theories presented have been supplanted, Gamow’s use of analogy to explain the complex remains unsurpassed.
SSIX EASY PIECESESSENTIALS OF PHYSICS EXPLAINED BY ITS MOST BRILLIANT TEACHERFEYNMANRICHARD P.BOOK6691995146 pgsPHYSICSIntroduces the general reader to the most accessible material from Feynman’s lectures on physics.
HHOW TO CHOOSE BINOCULARSHALEALAN R. BOOK7871991145 pgsOBSERVING WITH BINOCULARSGeneral guide to types of binoculars, optical parameters of binoculars, etc., for astronomy and other uses.
AABC OF RELATIVITYRUSSELLBERTRANDBOOK1001969144 pgsRELATIVITYFirst published in 1925, revised in 1958 and 1969, this book offers an overview of Einstein’s theory using everyday terms.
SSEARCH FOR GRAVITY WAVESDAVIESP.C.W.BOOK3081980144 pgsGRAVITY WAVES / COSMOLOGY / ASTROPHYSICSEvery new form of radiation studied has brought us new insight on the universe. Will gravity waves from space open new doors?
SSPACESHIPS OF THE MINDCALDERNIGELBOOK3271978144 pgsSPACE EXPLORATION / SPECULATIONCalder takes us around to meet the visionaries who are dreaming about man’s future in space. Well written and illustrated.
AASTRONOMY HANDBOOKHAUSMANLEON A.BOOK1181956143 pgsBEGINNER’S GUIDES / TELESCOPE MAKING / STAR CHARTSMagazine-format illustrated introduction to observing and mirror grinding / telescope making. Monthly constellation guides.
AATLAS OF THE PLANETSDOHERTYPAULBOOK1221980143 pgsSOLAR SYSTEM / OBSERVING – SOLAR SYSTEM / PLANETARY DRAWINGDrawings and paintings of the planets; text on the history of planetary observations and observing techniques.
SSPACE TELESCOPEGHITELMANDAVIDBOOK5491987143 pgsTELESCOPES & EQUIPMENT / GENERAL SCIENCE / HISTORY / SPACE EXPLORATIONThe history of the Hubble Space Telescope project, from its earliest origins to the construction of the instrument itself.
NNATURE OF THE UNIVERSEHOYLEFREDBOOK5381950142 pgsGENERAL SCIENCE / HISTORYIntroductory book by the great astronome. Interesting for its mid-20th-century perspective.
SSPACE SHUTTLE OPERATOR’S MANUALJOELS, KENNEDY & LARKINBOOK3231982141 pgsSPACE EXPLORATION / NASAProfusely illustrated “manual” for the space shuttles. Includes many operating systems, equipment, and procedures.
TTEACHING SCIENCE FACT WITH SCIENCE FICTIONRAHAMGARYBOOK8742004139 pgsTEACHER’S AID / SCIENCE AND THE PUBLICNovel approaches, with lesson plans, to teach basic scientific facts using the best of science fiction as the jumping-point to adapt to classroom earth, space, and life sciences
GGRAZE OBSERVER’S HANDBOOKPOVENMIREHAROLD R.BOOK2001975134 pgsOCCULTATIONS / OBSERVING – PROJECTSThe Book on observing occultations where a star skims the edge of the moon. Recorded observations by amateurs have aided science.
RRELATIVITY & COSMOLOGYKAUFFMANWILLIAM J.BOOK2931973134 pgsRELATIVITY / COSMOLOGYKauffman does another fine job of making science understandable. Profuse illustrations and lucid examples simplify modern cosmology.
HHUBBLE ATLAS OF GALAXIESSANDAGEALLANBOOK7511961134 pgsATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC / GALAXIESThe classic guide to galaxy classification, with photos of galaxies of each type and sub-type.
PPARALLEL UNIVERSESAN ASSORTMENT OF CARTOONSCHASTROZBOOK2651984131 pgsHUMORA cartoonist’s view of the cosmos and modern life.
OOBSERVER’S SKY ATLASWITH STAR CHARTSKARKOSCHKAE.BOOK4931988130 pgsSTAR CHARTS / OBSERVING – GENERAL / DEEP-SKY GUIDESPocket size guide with 50 charts of constellations, added finder charts for many objects; tables of objects and interesting stars.
OBJECTS IN THE HEAVENS 5.2NORTHERN DEEP SKY VIEWING LIST AND FIELD BOOKBIRRENPETERREF8452013130 pgsDEEP-SKY GUIDES / STAR CHARTSCharts and object listings by constellation; also general guide and log book.
AATLAS OF COMETARY FORMSSTRUCTURES NEAR THE NUCLEUSRAHE, DONN, WURMBOOK1201969128 pgsCOMETS / ATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC / PLANETARY DRAWINGDetailed drawings and photographs of the central structures of 17 comets; data with each illustration.
UUNIVERSE AND DR. EINSTEINBARNETTLINCOLNBOOK3591957128 pgsRELATIVITY / HISTORYBarnett’s classic presentation of Einstein’s work and theories to “the common man”. Endorsed by Einstein himself.
MMISSION TO THE PLANETSSECOND EDITIONMOOREPATRICKBOOK7121995128 pgsHISTORY / SPACE EXPLORATIONAn account of the many manned and unmanned space missions that have set out to explore our sister planets.
MMOON BOOKLONGKIMBOOK7881988128 pgsOBSERVING – SOLAR SYSTEM / MOON, THE Basic guide to lunar facts & physical parameters, plus simple Moon maps.
GGUIDE TO OBSERVING THE MOONBRITISH ASTRONOMICAL ASSOCIATIONBOOK7931986128 pgsOBSERVING – SOLAR SYSTEM / MOON, THE Collection of essays on many aspects of lunar phenomena and observing.
HHUBBLE’S UNIVERSEPORTRAIT OF OUR COSMOSGOODWINSIMONBOOK4611996127 pgsGENERAL SCIENCE / ATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHICHighlights of the Hubble Space Telescope’s early years; many photographs.
CCAMBRIDGE DEEP-SKY ALBUMNEWTON & TEECEBOOK6231983126 pgsATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC / DEEP-SKY GUIDES126 fine deep-sky targets shown in photographs that look much as the objects appear in amateur telescopes.
CAMBRIDGE DEEP-SKY ALBUMNEWTON & TEECEREF6941983126 pgsATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC / DEEP-SKY GUIDES126 fine deep-sky targets shown in photographs which look much as the objects appear in amateur telescopes.
MMAN WHO SAW THROUGH TIMEFRANCIS BACON AND THE MODERN DILEMMAEISELEYLORENBOOK3931973125 pgsHISTORYA look at the 16th century thinker, naturalist & philosopher in Eiseley’s poetic and thoughtful style.
HHANDBOOK FOR STAR TRACKERSMAKING AND USING STAR TRACKING CAMERA PLATFORMBALLARDJIMBOOK8671988124 pgsTELESCOPES & EQUIPMENT / TELESCOPE MAKINGHeavily illustrated guide to the various platforms available, their construction details, as well as motors, finders, power sources, princeiples, designs, and testing.The, instructs on
VVISTAS OF MANY WORLDSA JOURNEY THROUGH SPACE AND TIMEANDERSONERIKBOOK8372012123 pgsGENERAL ASTRONOMY / BEGINNER’S GUIDES / HISTORYA fascinating combination of artwork and science, with vignettes taking the reader across space and time, based on our current scientific understanding of the history of our planet and Universe.
SSOLAR MAX(the IMAX movie)HELIOGRAPH PRODUCTIONSVIDEO5302001120min (DVD video)SUN / STELLAR EVOLUTIONGreat movie on the present state of research on our Sun, featuring spectacular cinematography.
DWEBB SOCIETY DEEP-SKY OBSERVER’S HANDBOOKVOLUME 1: DOUBLE STARSJONES, ed.KENNETHBOOK1651975120 pgsOBSERVING – DOUBLE STARS / DEEP-SKY GUIDESDouble star facts: observing – measuring – photography techniques; and tables of doubles with interesting data and notes.
DDISCOVER THE STARSSKYWATCHING USING THE NAKED EYE, BINOCULARS OR A TELESCOPEBERRYRICHARDBOOK4821987119 pgsOBSERVING – GENERAL / STAR CHARTS / OBSERVING – CONSTELLATIONS / BEGINNER’S GUIDESA guide for the newer observer, well illustrated with charts to help learn one’s way around the sky and find objects to observe.
CCLIPPER, COSMOS, AND CHILDRENFINDING THE EUREKA MOMENTLEVYDAVIDBOOK8822022117 pgsTEACHER’S AID / YOUNG PEOPLE’S BOOKSDr. Levy takes young people on a fanciful journey through the solar system, while teaching planetary science and the wonders of the universe beyond.
HHOLLOW EARTHTHE GREATEST GEOGRAPHICAL DISCOVERY IN HISTORYBERNARDRAYMONDBOOK2071964116 pgsHUMOR / UFOsIs this Proof of the Hollow Earth Theory hilarious pseudo-science or a frightening example of specious logic? You decide!
SSECRETS OF THE SUNGIOVANELLIRONALD G.BOOK5901984116 pgsSUN / BEGINNER’S GUIDESShorter, popular level overview on the Sun. Many illustrations.
CCLOUDY NIGHT BOOKAN ASTRONOMER’S COMPANIONMUMFORDGEORGE S.BOOK1481979115 pgsHUMORQuips, games, puzzles, cartoons & jokes, all with an astronomical bent… to keep you entertained when the weather doesn’t cooperate.
LLIGHT-HEARTED ASTRONOMERFULTONKENBOOK2251984115 pgsAMATEUR ASTRONOMY / HUMORA look at amateur astronomy from the inside, complete with irony, pathos, goofiness, and some real practical advice for the amateur.
GGALAXIES AND THE UNIVERSEAN OBSERVING GUIDE FROM DEEP SKY MAGAZINEEICHER, ed.DAVID J.BOOK7611992112 pgsOBSERVING – DEEP SKY / GALAXIES / ATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHICCompendium of observing lists, notes, sketches, & photographs by amateurs, focusing primarily on galaxies.
HHISTORY OF ASTRONOMYREICHENCHAS.-ALBERTBOOK3901968111 pgsHISTORY / GENERAL SCIENCE / ASTROLOGYA fairly short and profusely illustrated overview of man’s fascination with the heavens, from earliest history to modern times.
IINTRODUCTION TO THE MOONALTERDINSMOREBOOK7831958108 pgsOBSERVING – SOLAR SYSTEM / MOON, THE Griffith Observatory guide to many aspects of lunar study and observation.
WWHITNEY’S STAR FINDERWHITNEYCHARLES A.BOOK3761977104 pgsOBSERVING – GENERAL / BEGINNER’S GUIDESAn introductory guide to skywatching. Includes its own planisphere to help you learn your way around the constellations.
GGREAT SUNDIAL CUTOUT BOOKADZEMA & JONESBOOK5721978104 pgsSUN / HISTORY / OBSERVING – PROJECTSGood text on the history and theory of sundials, plus plans for a number of designs from cardboard.
OBJECTS IN THE HEAVENS 2DEEP SKY VIEWING LIST AND FIELD BOOKBIRRENPETERREF6482002103 pgsDEEP-SKY GUIDES / STAR CHARTSCharts and object listings by constellation; also general guide and log book.
AASTRO FILTERSFOR OBSERVATION AND ASTROPHOTOGRAPHYBARBERA, et al.R.BOOK1121973102 pgsTELESCOPES & EQUIPMENT / ASTROPHOTOGRAPHY / OBSERVING – FILTERSDetailed but clearly written guide to the workings of filters and their practical uses for various astronomical work.
SSKY & TELESCOPE’S BEAUTIFUL UNIVERSE, 2004 EDITIONTHE MOST AWESOME & INSPIRING IMAGES OF THE HEAVENSSKY PUBLISHING CORP.BOOK817200498 pgsGENERAL ASTRONOMY / SOLAR SYSTEM / ASTROPHOTOGRAPHYPhoto-heavy yearly special edition by S&T; sections on Mars, the Solar System, professional and amateur astrophotography, and “the invisible universe”.
CCATALOG OF COMETARY ORBITSMARSDENBRIANBOOK143198396 pgsCOMETSOrbital elements for 1109 cometary apparitions presented in table form. Complete up to May, 1982.
TTHREE-D STAR MAPSMONKHOUSE & COXBOOK352198996 pgsSTAR CHARTS / UNIVERSE, SCALE OFStar charts with a twist: each is accompanied by a version which shows the stars in 3-D when viewed with the accompanying glasses.
JJUPITERHUNT & MOOREBOOK714198196 pgsJUPITERThorough discussion of the planet Jupiter and its moons, with photos from Pioneer and Voyager space probes.
CCOMETS, STARS, PLANETSHENBESTNIGELBOOK716198595 pgsBEGINNER’S GUIDES / COMETS / SOLAR SYSTEM / GALAXIESDiscussion of Halley’s Comet, the planets, the stars, galaxies, and quasars.
SSPACE SHUTTLENASABOOK322197689 pgsNASA / SPACE EXPLORATIONThe NASA introductory booklet to the Space Shuttle program. Many illustrations.
FIELD GUIDE TO DOUBLE STAR OBSERVINGDALSANTOJOEREF847200081 pgsOBSERVING – DOUBLE STARSA general guide to observing double stars, and then guided “tours” of fine doubles, grouped by time of the year.
BBEYOND THE SOLAR SYSTEMEICHERDAVIDBOOK757199280 pgsOBSERVING – DEEP SKY / ATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC“Introduces you to the 100 best and most beautiful (deep sky) objects visible in backyard telescopes”; profuse photos, good descriptions, but no charts (R.A. & Dec listings).
VVIKING MISSION TO MARSCORLISSWm. R.BOOK363197477 pgsMARS / NASA / EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFEThe NASA pre-launch booklet describing the Viking missions’ equipment, procedures, and scientific experiments.
MMEN, MONSTERS AND THE MODERN UNIVERSELOVI & TIRIONBOOK723198973 pgsOBSERVING – CONSTELLATIONS / BEGINNER’S GUIDESIntroduces the constellations in a memorable way. Look at the sky’s most easily observable objects with eyes, binoculars, small telescopes.
AARROW BOOK OF SPACESUN, MOON, PLANETS, AND STARSFREEMANMAE & IRABOOK109197664 pgsBEGINNER’S GUIDES / YOUNG PEOPLE’S BOOKSA small, introductory book on the basic concepts of space, the solar system, stars, and the universe. Science & observing combined.
RRADIO AND RADAR ASTRONOMYRONANCOLIN A.BOOK287196364 pgsRADIO ASTRONOMY / YOUNG PEOPLE’S GUIDESAn introductory guide for students to radio astronomy.
AANCIENT COMPUTERPBS NOVA series episodeBECKHAMMIKEVIDEO844201260min (DVD video)HISTORY / TELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTThe story of the scientific analysis of the Antikythera mechanism, the astronomical computer built over 2,000 years ago in Greece.
AASTRONOMY DAY HANDBOOK, 4TH EDITIONBRINGING ASTRONOMY TO THE PEOPLELEVYDAVID H.BOOK826199660 pgsTEACHER’S AID / SCIENCE AND THE PUBLICHandbook by the Astronomical League and Sky & Telescope, with ideas for activities to plan for Astronomy Day and other public outreach.
HHALLEY’S COMET!REDDYFRANCISBOOK203198559 pgsCOMETS / HISTORYPublished as a viewer’s guide to the 1986 apparition, this book has a nice pictorial section on historical comets.
HHUBBLE’S AMAZING RESCUEPBS NOVA series episodeWOLFINGERKIRKVIDEO854200956min (DVD)HISTORY / TELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTBehind the scenes journey with the astronauts and engineers charged with saving the Hubble Space Telescope.
OOBSERVE METEORSALPO METEOR OBSERVER’S GUIDELEVY & EDBERGBOOK256198656 pgsMETEORS & METEORITES / OBSERVING – PROJECTS / OBSERVING – SOLAR SYSTEMPractical handbook for meteor observing, including how to keep and submit records which have scientific value.
PPLANETARY NEBULAEALLERLAWRENCEBOOK463197156 pgsSTELLAR EVOLUTION / HISTORYA study of the titular items, along with the history of their discovery.
IINVISIBLE UNIVERSE REVEALEDPBS NOVA series episodeYOSTPETERVIDEO846201554min (DVD)HISTORY / TELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTDocumentary on the Hubble Space Telescope, focusing on the mission to repair the design flaw which initially crippled the instrument.
SARNA DEEP SKY ATLASSARNATOMREF64451 pgsSTAR CHARTS / OBSERVING – DEEP-SKYFinder charts for specific deep sky objects, with fields similar to a finder telescope.
OOBSERVE AND UNDERSTAND THE SUNMAAG, SHERLIN & VAN ZANDT eds.BOOK569197648 pgsSUN / OBSERVING – SOLAR SYSTEM / RADIO ASTRONOMYA collection of articles on amateur solar observing equipment and techniques: visual, photographic, radio.
CCOMETSASH & GRANTBOOK799197348 pgsCOMETS / BEGINNER’S GUIDE / HISTORYGeneral overview to the history, observation and study of comets. Many B&W illustrations.
CCOSMIC VIEWTHE UNIVERSE IN 40 JUMPSBOEKEKEESBOOK800195748 pgsUNIVERSE, THE SCALE OFThe book that inspired the classic “Powers of Ten” film on the scale of the universe.
HHANDBOOK FOR THE WHITE LIGHT OBSERVATION OF SOLAR PHENOMENAHILLRICHARDNOTEBK570198446 pgsSUN / OBSERVING – SOLAR SYSTEMALPO Solar Section’s official guidelines to observing and submitting observations.
EDMUND MAG 5 STAR ATLASBROWNSAMREF651197437 pgsSTAR CHARTS / BEGINNER’S GUIDES / OBSERVING – CONSTELLATIONSSix charts showing the constellations and stars down to 5th magnitude, with the locations of some deep sky objects.
AATLAS OF STELLAR SPECTRAWITH AN OUTLINE OF SPECTRAL CLASSIFICATIONMORGAN, KEENAN & KELLMANBOOK434194335 pgsSTELLAR EVOLUTION / SPECTROSCOPYDescriptions of the spectra of different classes of stars; details on specific stars within each class. Useful for anyone interested in spectroscopy.
STAR MAPS FOR BEGINNERSLEVITT & MARSHALLREF637194233 pgsSTAR CHARTS / BEGINNER’S GUIDESIntroductory guide to the constellations, with all-sky charts and mythology.
MMOON ATLASFIRSOFFV.A.BOOK816196132 pgsMOON, THE / ATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHIC / OBSERVING – SOLAR SYSTEMGeneral lunar atlas with maps, photographs, and a gazetteer.
SKY ATLAS 2000.0, 2ND EDITIONTIRION & SYNNOTTREF797199829 chartsSTAR CHARTSCurrent standard for amateur star charts. Includes scale overlay. Library item R789 is the companion index for these charts.
SKY ATLAS 2000.0DELUXE EDITIONTIRIONWILLREF642198128 pgsSTAR CHARTSA fine set of star charts for the observer with binoculars, small or medium sized telescope.
SKELNATE PLESO ATLAS OF THE HEAVENSBECVARANTONINREF313196221 pgsSTAR CHARTSA fine set of star charts for the observer with binoculars, small or medium sized telescope.
SKELNATE PLESO ATLAS OF THE HEAVENSBECVARANTONINREF641196221 pgsSTAR CHARTSA fine set of star charts for the observer with binoculars, small or medium sized telescope.
SEASONAL STAR CHARTSAND STAR FINDERHUBBARD SCIENTIFICREF652200021 pgsSTAR CHARTS / OBSERVING – GENERALA planisphere and set of 8 charts, along with constellation info and lists of objects.
AASTRONOMY PROJECTS FOR YOUNG PEOPLECARHART, ed.SUSANBOOK825198820 pgsTEACHER’S AIDAstronomy- and space-related activity guide for young children.
PPOWERS OF TENEAMESCHARLES & RAYVIDEO536198917min (DVD video)UNIVERSE, SCALE OF / BEGINNER’S GUIDES / GENERAL SCIENCEThis classic movie takes the viewer on a trip from the human scale to the realm of the galaxies and then the subatomic. Includes a ‘rough sketch’ film, and one on the Eames’ studio.
IINTRODUCTION TO THE UNIVERSEA PRESENTER’S GUIDEFLICK, et al.BOOK827199116 pgsTEACHER’S AIDAn Astronomical League guide for presenters, focusing on astronomical topics.
ATLAS STELLARUM IVEHRENBERGHANSREF654196913 pgsATLAS – PHOTOGRAPHICThe sky from +30 to +90 dec. in deep photographic plates.
DEEP SKY FIELD GUIDETO URANOMETRIA 2000.0CRAGIN, LUCYK & RAPPAPORTREF6401993~270 pgsDEEP-SKY GUIDESCompanion to the 2 volumes of Uranometria star charts. Data on each deep sky object shown on each chart.
EELEGANT UNIVERSEWGBHVIDEO6242003~3hrs. (DVD video)COSMOLOGY / BEGINNER’S GUIDESPBS series on the modern theories of cosmology, including string theory.
JJOHN DOBSON LECTURENAA PROGRAM, APRIL 2, 2002NAAVIDEO5282002(video)SPECULATION / COSMOLOGY / HUMORDobson’s presentation for our club meeting. Eccentricity on an astronomical scale!
TTELESCOPE MAKING MAGAZINEISSUES 1 – 18AstroMediaMAG4711982(binder)TELESCOPE MAKING / ATM / TELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTThe first 18 issues of the classic ATM magazine.
TTELESCOPE MAKING MAGAZINEISSUES 19 – 33AstroMediaMAG4721988(binder)TELESCOPE MAKING / ATM / TELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTThe second 15 issues of the ATM magazine.
TTELESCOPE MAKING MAGAZINEISSUES 34 – 46AstroMediaMAG4731992(binder)TELESCOPE MAKING / ATM / TELESCOPES & EQUIPMENTThe final 13 issues of the ATM magazine.
SSTELLAR HANDBOOKMAXWELL & VANZANDTBOOK4171977OBSERVING – GENERAL / OBSERVING – DEEP-SKY / BEGINNER’S GUIDESAn Astronomical League guide to the “best” objects to observe with amateur telescopes — from interesting stars out to galaxies.